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  • Strike Decisively With the Ferocious New Chaos Space Marine Combat Patrol

Strike Decisively With the Ferocious New Chaos Space Marine Combat Patrol

Just like their wretched Loyalist kin, the Chaos Space Marines are masters of a wide range of battlefield tactics. Despite miles of ornate trim and spikes, they are Astartes warriors through and through – with the advantage of horrific mutations and Dark Pacts forged with the Ruinous Powers. 

With the impending release of Codex: Chaos Space Marines, these renegades are flexing their tactical prowess with a new Combat Patrol focused on striking fast and securing an early lead.

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Zarkan’s Daemonkin is led by the Master of Possessions, with the backing of a throng of Chaos Cultists and ceramite-armoured Chaos Space Marines. Like any aspiring Chaos warlord, Zarkan is more than willing to throw a seething mob of zealots in front of enemy fire to protect his more potent assets – but as a BATTLELINE unit, your Cultists will at least be able to secure objectives while soaking up casualties for the cause.

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The 10 Legionaries act as the primary anchoring unit for Zarkan’s plans. With their massed boltguns and supporting heavy bolter, meltagun, and plasma pistol, they can lay down withering fusillades into any infantry or soften up vehicles and monsters for the unit of five Possessed to dismember with their hideous mutations.

40k CSMCombatPatrol May10 Image3This one-two-punch is key to securing victory with Zarkan’s Daemonkin, as the Vindictive Strategy Stratagem provides bonuses for shooting or fighting against units that are below Starting Strength, and gets more powerful if they’re Below Half-strength. The Foul Zealotry Enhancement also allows your Master of Possession’s unit to gain both Dark Pact benefits, so either Legionaries or Possessed can look forward to preying on wounded units with


if you execute this devastating combo.

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Of course, this strategy favours the bold and reckless who are willing to sacrifice themselves to the Chaos gods, so you’ll need to act decisively and secure an early victory – which will involve striking risky Dark Pacts that may winnow your force.

Outside of Combat Patrol games, this boxed set makes a robust core for any Chaos Space Marines collection. You’ll be able to pre-order it on Saturday alongside the larger Veterans of the Long War and Dread Talon Battleforce boxes – depending on whether you want fearsome footsloggers or skyward savagery.

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