Ever since the Mechanicum was unleashed upon the Age of Darkness with a range of new plastic kits, the Thanatar Siege Automata has been a deadly force looming over its mechanical comrades. The current variant, known as the Thanatar Cavas, mounts a deadly plasma mortar for long-ranged Space Marine slaying, but those with a canny eye will know that within Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah lies the other half of a deadly duo – the Thanatar Calix Siege Automata.

Unlike its more widely destructive compeer, the Thanatar Calix is concerned solely with the eradication of singularly durable targets, be they rumbling war machines or fortifications. Its main armament is a massive Sollex-pattern heavy lascannon that puts other weapons in its class to shame, with enough power to spear right through the armour of a super-heavy tank and disable its targeting matrices with a devastating Shock Pulse.
Any enemies who think themselves safer up close and personal will find an equally lethal graviton ram strapped onto its arm – a poorly understood weapon that pulps flesh and sensitive systems alike no matter how thick the armour protecting them. This pair of weapons makes the Thanatar Calix a terrifying prospect for elite opponents that other units can struggle to scratch.

There’s still more to see from Warhammer: The Horus Heresy as Heresy Thursday continues here at Warhammer Community, with a new character taking the stage next week. In the meantime, head back to the reveals hub to see what else has been unveiled at the Las Vegas Open today.