Christmas may have been and gone, but we’ve got another treat in store for you before 2022 makes its presence felt – a new Primaris Ancient. Behold his banner-bearing magnificence!

Wait a minute… is that a power sword in his hand? Well, if the heretics you’re fighting stubbornly refuse to act as boltgun fodder like they’re supposed to, it certainly helps to have a deadly melee weapon to hand. If you’d prefer your Ancient to take a more hands-on approach to defending the sacred standard they bear, stoically cutting down anyone who dares to besmirch the banner’s sanctity with their foul presence, you’re in luck.Not only is the new model an absolute belter, the Primaris Ancient comes with the option to replace his traditional bolt rifle with a power sword.* Considering that he’s packing 4 Attacks as standard, an Ancient is tasty in melee even without a power sword. However, with AP -3 and extra pip of Strength, a sword-wielding Ancient will certainly make his presence felt – mainly through the application of extreme violence.**
Anyone who’s seen those iconic illustrations over the years depicting the last stand of a Crimson Fists Battle Company will know that there are few things more inspiring than a heroic Space Marine holding aloft a banner in the thick of battle…

…and that’s why every Adeptus Astartes army should have one! But if you need further persuasion, remember that your Space Marines will fight on to the bitter end to defend it on the battlefield.
So there you have it – a glorious new Primaris Ancient miniature is on its way next year.** Sign up to our newsletter to be among the first to know when this inspirational warrior will be available. From all of us here at the Warhammer Community team, may 2022 be a fantastic year for you all – and, of course, filled with More Warhammer, More Often!
* There are further assembly options in the kit too, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer to see them all.
** You’ve seen the trailer for Space Marine 2, right? Like that.