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  • Sunday Preview – Strike Force Agastus Makes Planetfall

Sunday Preview – Strike Force Agastus Makes Planetfall

Primaris heavy support has arrived! Strike Force Agastus hits pre-orders next Saturday, and soon Space Marine commanders everywhere will be able to deploy footsoldiers armed with hard-hitting heavy munitions, alongside the prophetically-named Brutalis Dreadnought and a very customisable new Lieutenant. 

These Adeptus Astartes are joined by two Boarding Patrols designed for use in Boarding Action games of Warhammer 40,000 – though you can also use them to bolster your regular armies.

Strike Force Agastus

SundayPreview Feb19 01 AgastusContents

This force of 17 miniatures hits the battlefield with a relentless rain of punishing heavy fire. Accompanied by five Heavy Intercessors, there are 12 totally new models in Strike Force Agastus – an incredibly versatile Primaris Lieutenant, the close-combat focused Brutalis Dreadnought, and 10 Desolation Marines who can reap a heavy toll of infantry or hard targets.

Strike Force Agastus also contains a 16-page rules booklet with all the new datasheets, and two sets of Ultramarines Infantry Transfer Sheets, each with 279 separate decals. **

SundayPreview Feb19 02 AgastusMinis

The Brutalis Dreadnought is a powerful melee cousin of the Redemptor that can rip vehicles apart with shredding talons, or lay into foes with a pair of fists fitted with twin bolt rifles. The Desolation Squad can meanwhile arm themselves either with superfrag missiles for blasting infantry or superkrak missiles for busting tanks – with indirect-fire castellan launchers on the side. 

The Lieutenant is one of the most versatile character kits to date, with a choice of cosmetic parts and plenty of wargear. He can tote a plasma pistol, heavy bolt pistol, or a bolt rifle with one of three configurations, all while swinging a power fist or a power sword… or just pointing very emphatically.

Boarding Patrol: Chaos Space Marines

SundayPreview Feb19 06 CSM Boarding

The Warmaster himself leads a squad of 10 Legionaries – complete with a Kill Team upgrade sprue that adds numerous options for Boarding Actions mayhem, like the sorcerous balefire tome and butchering heavy chainaxe – with 20 fanatical Chaos Cultists tagging along to flood the corridors as meatshields.

Boarding Patrol: Tyranids

SundayPreview Feb19 08 TYR Boarding

The Tyranids aren’t terribly bothered by the exact state of galactic geopolitics at present – they just like a ready supply of tasty biomass, and a space hulk to ride around in. Their Boarding Patrol contains six adaptable Tyranid Warriors to split into squads of three, eight fast-moving Genestealers, and a fearsome Broodlord to direct them all.


On Warhammer+ this week, Strike Force Agastus is put through its paces in Battle Report against the Orks menacing the planet of Kolomar. It will be the first time you’ll be able to see the new Brutalis Dreadnought and Desolation Marines in combat, so you won’t want to miss it.

Loremasters meanwhile investigates the most degenerate of the Traitor Legions – the Emperor’s Children.

22 02 WHPlusSchedule

And on Friday, the Hang Out and Paint team will be live on the Warhammer Twitch channel showing us how to paint Strike Force Agastus.

24 02 Hang out and paint

On Warhammer Community we’ve got more Seraphon reveals next week, a closer look at the raw might of the Brutalis Dreadnought, and a report from the latest Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game grand tournament.

** This product is delayed in Japan

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