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Gobsprakk Uses Swampy Magic, Bad Smells, and a Screaming Plant To Dominate the Battlefield

AoS OrrukRules Jul27 Orruk FactionHeader

The Kruleboyz have been terrorising the Mortal Realms for a while now – but with reinforcements on the way, things are about to get a lot swampier ’round these parts.

With a new Orruk Warclans battletome on the horizon, all three orruk subfactions are feeling the power of Gork and Mork surge through them, but it’s the Kruleboyz who really benefit. To make matters worse for the enemies of Destruction, the most powerful Swampcalla Shaman – Gobsprakk, the Voice of Mork – is about to join their ranks.

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With an arcane gift for languages, Gobsprakk acts as a translator for Kragnos, the End of Empires. As this shaman also claims to speak for Mork, he has direct lines to two gods of Destruction – allegedly. 

Along with his ability to befriend those in high places, the Mouth of Mork is also fairly tasty on the tabletop. Gobsprakk prefers to control the flow of battle with his kunnin’ magical tricks rather than using raw power and ’uge choppas. 

We’ve already taken a peek at how painful his Mork Sez No! ability can be to enemy Wizards,* but the self-declared Mouth of Mork has plenty of other dirty tricks up his sleeve. 

He’s accompanied into battle by his grot attendant Rinklefinga, who has a secret weapon of his own – a screamin’ mandrakk. While it may look harmless, this root yelps so loudly when it’s squeezed that it puts enemy casters right off their game. It combines very nastily indeed with Mork Sez No! – and exploding spell-slingers might be a common feature of Gobsprakk’s battles.

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Continuing on the sensory overload theme is Gobsprakk’s Summon Boggy Mist ability – a spell that stinks the whole battlefield up so badly that enemies lose the will to charge.

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Gobsprakk also has access to the Kruleboyz-specific spell lores – Lore of the Swamp – and can cast two spells per turn, allowing him a mixture of control and direct damage. We particularly love Sneaky Miasma, which lets you reposition nearby Monsters for a sudden charge into an unprepared enemy flank. 

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Da Black Pit, on the other hand, is brilliant for murdering heavy infantry – the bigger they are, the harder they’ll fall.**

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As well as opening up all these terrifying tactical possibilities with magic, Gobsprakk is fairly handy in close combat. He carries a Bogbark Staff with a Range of 3” that deals D3 damage with each bonk. Add that to Killabeak’s – his Corpse-rippa Vulcha’s – 14” flying movement, and Gobsprakk can rocket around the battlefield causing foul-smelling mayhem.

AoS GobsprakkRules Aug9 Image2Beyond Gobsprakk and his nasty swamp magics, the upcoming Orruk Warclans battletome is stuffed with filthy greenskin shenanigans: new warscrolls, battleplans, spells, you name it. As luck would have it, the new book is up for pre-order later this month, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community for further grimy glimpses – and to discover that all-important release date.

* Are tapewyrm squigs painful? You tell us…

** Stormcast Eternals hate this one weird trick.

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