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  • Patch Up Your Wounded and Abandon Ship With New Kill Team Terrain in Gallowfall

Patch Up Your Wounded and Abandon Ship With New Kill Team Terrain in Gallowfall

Calamity strikes in the final Kill Team expansion of the current season. The Gallowdark – a space hulk that has survived and grown for many thousands of years – is being torn apart by chains of explosions. Fuel tanks and reactors rupture in the wake of an Imperial prison barge slamming into its scarred flank

But it takes more than a few warbling hull integrity warnings to put off the intrepid kill teams intent on plundering this colossal space hulk. After receiving a distress signal from centuries-old Ironkin Cerebral Units, the Trans-Hyperian Alliance cruiser Reachfar has dispatched a salvage team to rescue their electronic cousins, unaware that a tribe of feral Beastmen are in possession of these valuable artificial intelligences.

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Terrain2

Kill Team: Gallowfall comes with a full complement of terrain, including two sprues packed with all sorts of new doodads to fight over across the nine new missions. With the hulk in a state of rapid, explosive deterioration, escape pods and medical equipment are now the hottest commodities going…

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Minis

As well as providing impromptu cover in a pinch, this new terrain features heavily in the missions. For instance, you’ll fight over the few remaining escape pods and survive the rapidly disintegrating environment in Escape the Hulk. These pods can only be jettisoned from the outside, leaving your kill team to draw straws to find out who gets to fly free and who needs to hold down the controls. 

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Map1

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Enter

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Launch

Even though many of the Stasis Pods found in ships that make up a hulk’s patchwork construction have malfunctioned over time, there’s still valuable information and goods to be found for anyone with a strong enough stomach to go prospecting among the Ageing Remains of these unfortunate souls.

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Map2

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 SearchPod

Abandon Ship works as a superb grand finale, stitching together two Gallowdark Killzones to create a race against time for the last remaining clutch of drop pods. As the game progresses, the powerful Kin mining lasers slice through key structural points, and segments of the ship fall away, leaving nothing but the void in their wake.

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 Map3

KT GallowfallTerrain Apr27 ShipInRuin

All of this new terrain, the missions shown here – and six more – and two new kill teams can be found in the upcoming boxed set Kill Team: Gallowfall, which will be available for pre-order very soon. Join us here on Monday for a special Kill Team preview beamed in from Warhammer Fest.

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