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  • Blast Enemies at Point-Blank Range With the Scrappier, Shootier New T’au Empire Combat Patrol

Blast Enemies at Point-Blank Range With the Scrappier, Shootier New T’au Empire Combat Patrol

While T’au Empire armies generally prefer to fight at extreme range where their firepower and manoeuvrability keeps fragile troops safe, they are no less dangerous when combat devolves into a close-range firefight around key objectives. With Codex: T’au Empire on the horizon, they’ve deployed a new Combat Patrol known as the Sudden Dawn Cadre to take advantage of the small-scale battlefield by using powerful short-range weapons.

40k TauCombatPat Apr23 CombatPatrol

The core of the cadre is a team of 10 Breachers armed with potent pulse blasters – shotgun-like weapons that squeeze the power of a pulse rifle into a short-ranged blast that can punch through armour like paper. Their preference for point-blank volleys does make them vulnerable while approaching their target, however, so their forward-thinking Commander has chosen to deploy a Devilfish transport alongside the squad to both protect their advance and provide support firepower in a pinch.

40k TauCombatPat Apr23 Breachers

Breacher Teams are already among the more accurate of T’au Empire troops – it’s pretty hard to miss at that range, admittedly – but their efficiency spikes even higher when supported by the Combat Patrol’s Pathfinder team. These spotters and scouts also carry the majority of the cadre’s heavy weapons in the form of three rail rifles, so given their twin responsibilities, they’re a prime candidate for splitting into two Patrol Squads and spreading out on the battlefield.

Finally, the Sudden Dawn cadre is led by an experienced Commander in an Enforcer battlesuit – one of the most durable pieces of combat equipment available to the Fire Caste. It’s kitted out to deal with almost any kind of target, and thanks to the VEHICLE keyword, it can keep shooting even in close combat.

40k TauCombatPat Apr23 Enforcer

This aggressive plan of action is supported by the Secondary Objectives, which prioritise fast movement and headlong attacks into enemy strongpoints. One doles out points when objectives are held in No Man’s Land, forcing you out of your comfort zone, while the other designates a single enemy unit and rewards players for knocking it out by battle’s end.

To support the relatively fragile troops while they plunge into the breach, the Sudden Dawn Cadre pairs a powerful defensive Enhancement on its Commander with the Lives Before Territory stratagem. Electro-static Flares shroud nearby units and protect both Breachers and Pathfinders while they advance, and should they be shot at anyway, they can dive towards safety.*

40k TauCombatPat Apr23 Rules

Such a versatile range of troops is also an excellent way to start a new T’au Empire army for Warhammer 40,000, with core units that’ll always find a place in your battle plan. Combat Patrol: T’au Empire goes up for pre-order this Saturday alongside the new codex and Kroot miniatures – it’s a good time to fight for the Greater Good.

* Or surge further ahead if you’re feeling particularly gutsy.

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