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Protect the Great Gun from Tyranid invasion in Kill Team: Typhon

To say there’s been utter pandaemonium on Volkus lately is an understatement – the T’au Empire is invading, Orks want to steal the Massif Ballistus, Chaos cults run rampant, and all the while diligent Imperial labourers toil to reload their massive gun. It feels like things couldn’t get any worse…

Well too bad, Imperials: the worst-case scenario comes to pass in Kill Team: Typhon. The next major expansion for Kill Team follows a brood of burrowing Raveners as they prepare the fortress world for an invasion of a different sort, and with planetary forces and fervent pilgrims already fully committed elsewhere, it falls to the Adeptus Mechanicus and their legions of servitors to beat back the Hive Mind.

The great tectonic quakes that always follow the Day of Firing have revealed strange relics beneath the sands, but more than just damp and darkness await the explorator teams brave enough to venture down. A kill team of Raveners lies in wait, bestowed with an element of self-preservation and enough alien cunning to give anyone a challenge. 

The Raveners are elites among elites, bringing only five operatives to the battlefield with no grots, mutts, or funny little robots backing them up. Players will keenly feel the loss of even a single miniature, but with the ability to tunnel under the killzone and appear in unexpected places every time they move, and ferocious strength in melee, they’re exceptional predators.

The Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus are usually protected by legions of Skitarii, but in dire straits they will assemble a force of servitors to drown enemies with gunfire. The noospheric network woven between all of their lobotomised minds gives each servitor a more complete view of the battlefield, with safer operatives channelling their motive force to better-placed allies for complex manoeuvres. 

This expansion also includes Tyranid-infested terrain pieces and a dossier chock full of rules and missions to make use of it. Like Brutal and Cunning and Blood and Zeal before it, the new book gives you an entirely new way to approach your games of Kill Team themed after the terrain, as well as a greatly expanded set of Joint Ops co-operative rules that include full NPO profiles for a variety of Tyranid beasties.

We’ll dig into Kill Team: Typhon in greater detail as we get closer to release, so for now head back to the Preview hub to see what else we’ve been showing off today.