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  • The Space Hulk Gallowdark Is the True Star of Kill Team’s Next Season

The Space Hulk Gallowdark Is the True Star of Kill Team’s Next Season

SSPreview KT Jul10 Header1

The Imperial Navy Breachers and Kroot Farstalker Kinband will need their wits about them to survive the deadly corridors of the Gallowdark. This space hulk’s gangways and galleries are alive with danger, and hostiles lurk around every corner.

Don’t just take our word for it – Kill Team lore expert Wade and designer Elliot are here to tell you why space hulks are just about the worst possible places to be.

The Gallowdark has a history that stretches back long before its discovery by humankind. More recent Imperial additions to its ancient mass give way to strange alien craft as explorers venture further, and its time in the warp has merged its constituent parts into strange new amalgams of alien and Imperial tech. 

This change in scenery presents all kinds of new challenges. For instance, the low ceilings and cramped corridors make Vantage Points a thing of the past, and marksmen will need to carefully position themselves to find firing solutions.

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Successful kill teams will secure critical choke points and flank dug-in opponents, while corners, broken machinery, and collapsed pipes become sources of cover. Into the Dark provides a full set of this scenery with additional barricades and objective markers, so you can build a claustrophobic killzone from day one.

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Hatchways in particular become a major obstacle, as operatives must spend an Action Point to open or close their heavy doors. Models can’t move through their allies while traversing the hatch, so careful planning will be needed to avoid traffic jams for your assault troops while a marksman takes shots through the aperture.

The upcoming Kill Team: Into the Dark set is your best entry point into the Gallowdark. Alongside the new terrain, two new kill teams, and other accessories, it comes with a copy of the Core Rules, so you’ll have everything you need to start playing.

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There are more reveals from the future of Kill Team this week, so sign up to our newsletter and be the first to find out what’s lurking deeper within the Gallowdark’s bowels.

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