On the 26th of December, a new threat to the Imperium will raise its head. Let’s check out this Orkoid menace.
The Ork in question is Gorzag Gitstompa, and his little friend is called Nikkit. Take a closer look at the gruesome twosome.

Fans of a certain vintage may notice that Gorzag has a lot in common with a miniature that was available as a Games Day exclusive model many (bad) moons ago.*

Those who are sufficiently long in the teef may even remember that the Games Day Ork was based on this artwork from the classic Gorkamorka game.**

You won’t have to wait long to get that sweet hit of nostalgia. Gorzag Gitstompa and Nikkit will be available first in Warhammer stores from the 26th of December until the 3rd of January. They will then be available on the Games Workshop webstore from a later date to allow as many people to add them to their collections as possible. Make sure you save up your Christmas teef so that you can get your hands on these incredible models.
Next Week on Warhammer Community
We’ve still got a lot of exciting things happening BEFORE Christmas too! Take a look at the highlights of the next seven days.
Warhammer TV is getting in on the fun with a packed schedule of amazing hobby content.

Join us over on our Facebook page to let us know what you’re most excited about this week!
* Games Day was the precursor to Warhammer Fest.
** Gorkamorka was a game released in the 1990s, featuring mobs of Orks fighting each other to gain control of scrap left over from a crashed spaceship. It was great.