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  • Forge World Pre-orders – This Loyalist Champion is a One-man Praetor-killing Machine

Forge World Pre-orders – This Loyalist Champion is a One-man Praetor-killing Machine

The annals of the Horus Heresy are filled with storied champions proving their skill on the field of battle, from legendary duelists such as Lucius and Sigismund to many thousands of unnamed swordsmen whose deeds are lost to time. This week, you can add just such a champion to your roster, and forge a legacy of combat worthy of the Age of Darkness.

Loyalist Champion Consul

FWPreorders Aug25 Content IFChamp

Chosen from the best of their legion’s duelists, Champion Consuls are unleashed onto the battlefield for the express purpose of killing worthy opponents in single combat. They are armed and armoured with masterwork equipment and embody the highest virtues of their legion, their peerless swordsmanship cutting down enemy luminaries like chaff.

This detailed resin miniature is a perfect addition to forces that need some extra oomph in close combat, as their WS 6 and huge paragon blade allows them to go toe-to-toe with enemy Praetors and emerge victorious. The model includes two head options – helmeted and unhelmeted – which both feature a laurel wreath befitting the Champion’s station.

Pre-order him now on the Forge World webstore.

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