This week, the Kharadron Overlords refit their ships and take to the skies with a new battletome and a book-toting hero, while new Regiments of Renown show off special skills in service to their Grand Alliance. Over in Warhammer Underworlds, a showboating quintet of Disciples of Khaine make their cruel mark on the Gnarlwood with a new warband.
Battletome: Kharadron Overlords
Sail the skies of the Era of the Beast with Battletome: Kharadron Overlords, the essential companion for skyfaring duardin and aether-gold prospectors. With the maker god Grungni back in play, the duardin he abandoned redouble their efforts to claim profit and glory despite a strained relationship with their patron.
This hardback tome contains extensive art and background for the Kharadron, their sky-ports, and all facets of their mercantile society, as well as the rules and warscrolls you need to field an army in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Also included is a section on Path to Glory rules for narrative play campaigns, which finds your fleet hopping from sky-port to sky-port to gather hefty shares of aether-gold.*
Battletome: Kharadron Overlords (Limited Edition)
Kharadron merchants keep their most exclusive relics as displays of status, and you can join them with your own glorious Limited Edition battletome. This individually numbered edition – limited to just 500 copies – includes gilt page edges, gold foil blocking, a red ribbon page marker, and a luxurious soft-touch cover.
Kharadron Overlords – Codewright
Twist the Kharadron Code for fun and profit with the Codewright, a doughty battle-lawyer whose creative interpretations of the Code can change your entire army’s rules mid-battle. This new Kharadron Overlords hero is a phenomenal support piece on the battlefield, and does a mean line in legal advice to boot. The Warhammer Paint Team have whipped up a video to show you how to spruce him up nice.**
The Codewright has lots of gold armour and details, so begin with a Retributor Armour undercoat spray and selective basecoat of Leadbelcher before basing the non-metallic details in Abaddon Black and Wraithbone. Block in details from his joints, undersuit, and skin with Dark Reaper, Phoenician Purple, and Kislev Flesh, before painting any leather with Mournfang Brown and using an assortment of these colours for his many books. Finally, a wash with Agrax Earthshade and Reikland Fleshshade adds depth to the colours while a drybrush of Necron Compound makes his metal shine.
Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords
Tired of swabbing the deck for a measly share of aether-gold while the captain lives it up? Throw the mop down and start your own grand fleet with Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords – containing an Arkanaut Admiral, three Skywardens, 10 Arkanauts, and a Frigate packed with firepower. These experienced marines are deceptively fast for duardin and can redeploy wherever they please thanks to the Frigate’s range.
Kharadron Overlords Dice Set
Take control of your destiny with the Kharadron Overlords Dice Set, a pack of 20 warm orange dice with black ink pips and the faction logo on the 6 face.***
Warscroll Cards: Kharadron Overlords
Keep your unit details close with Warscroll Cards: Kharadron Overlords, a pack of 17 cards with all of the profiles and rules for every unit in the battletome. It also comes with two punch-out token cards with an assortment of counters for tracking command points, game rules, and special abilities.****
Regiments of Renown
Famed across the realms for their unique skills, the Regiments of Renown are mercenaries who can join armies from across their Grand Alliance and impart a touch of their faction flavour. Six regiments are available to pre-order today, and their rules can be found in a free downloadable document here.
Norgrimm’s Rune Throng
Duardin are already hardy, and Norgrimm’s wandering ex-noble band of 10 Irondrakes and 10 Longbeards – led by the lore-seeking Runelord himself – are immovable objects when defending an objective of their choice.
The Coven of Thryx
Do you like endless spells? Magister Thryx does, and the exiled warlock is quite happy to use his conjured Coven of 10 Pink Horrors as fuel to twist Tzeentch’s three most destructive magicks – also included in the box – into new forms again and again.**
Big Grikk’s Kruleshots
Orruks aren’t known for their marksmanship, but the renegade monster hunters of Big Grikk’s Kruleshots make up for it by laying down pinpoint volleys from six Man-skewer Boltboyz on targets marked by Grikk’s own Killbow.**
Hargax’s Pit-beasts
Add a trio of powerful beasts to your Grand Alliance Chaos army with Hargax’s Pit-beasts, a band of feral monsters deftly commanded in battle by the barked orders of the deposed Ogroid Myrmidon Hargax.
Veremord’s Shamblers
Flood the battlefield in undead swarms with Veremord’s Shamblers, as the vagabond necromancy enthusiast rides a Corpse Cart alongside 20 Deadwalker Zombies specialised in cracking enemy wards.
Elthwin’s Thorns
Bring aerial support to Grand Alliance Order in the form of Elthwin’s Thorns – five accursed Gossamid Archers who gain offensive and defensive bonuses from proximity to their half-mad Arch-revenant.**
Gryselle’s Arenai
To survive and thrive in the Har Kuron arenas, Khainite gladiators train in the most inhospitable environments they can find to hone their murderous perfection. Gryselle’s Arenai enter the Gnarlwood for just such a reason, each Sister of Slaughter bringing her own unique martial arts to Warhammer Underworlds.
This highly aggressive warband is as deadly as they come, but will need a skilled player to get the most out of their acrobatic but fragile fighters. They also have free Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules for bigger battlefields.
Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck
Play any Warhammer Underworlds warband with new beast-themed cards thanks to the Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck, constructed specially for the easy-to-play Rivals format. These cards offer aggressive fighters plenty of flexibility thanks to their Denizen upgrades, and are a great fit for the more complex Nemesis format when mixed with your warband’s own deck.****
All of these pre-orders are available now on the Games Workshop webstore.
* The English-language editions of these products have been delayed in Japan.
** These products have been delayed in Japan.
*** These products have been delayed in the USA and Canada.
**** The English-language editions of these products have been delayed in Japan, the USA, and Canada.