Though the balance of power in the Mortal Realms has shifted back towards Chaos, the bullheaded forces of Destruction simply see opportunity: with more wars breaking out, there are more chances to get stuck into a proper good fight. The ground rumbles and the air is thick with pugnacious energy as the Orruk Warclans return to the Waaagh!
Two factions – the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz – are hoofing it into the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar within the pages Battletome: Orruk Warclans. The Big Waaagh! returns as an Army of Renown so you can once more combine furtive and fighty, and there are new Path to Glory rules, Regiments of Renown, an Anvil of Apotheosis and more.

The Ironjawz were recently reinforced by brutish orruks in pig-iron armour – and actual pigs – so this time around there’s a new miniature for the Kruleboyz: the Hobgrot Slittaboss.

Laden with trinkets, trophies and weapons, the Hobgrot Slittaboss is a veteran swindler who leads his mercenary kompanies into battle for riches. They ply their trade on behalf of many factions, from beleaguered Sigmarite settlers to struggling Darkoath tribes – who eventually come a-cropper from the favours they find themselves owing. Greedy and materialistic to a fault, the Slittaboss is also happy to lend a helping hand to the sneaky Kruleboyz… for a price of course.
What’s more, orruks have begun to raise edifices featuring their own glowering visages, namely the Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem.

Bossrokk Towers are cobbled together by the Ironjwaz in places filled with Waaagh! energy, to mark their territory (or what they believe will very soon be their territory) and to provide a convenient place for Weirdnobs and Warchanters to perch as they conduct the power of Gork.

Skaregob Totems are lodestones that channel the kunnin’ energy of Mork, raised on stilts to loom above the foetid swamps. These structures strike fear into any who glimpse their glimmering leer out through the fog. They emit a constant, jabbering stream of invective which only becomes more vicious when a sharp-tongued Killaboss takes up his post.
Then there is a fresh crop of orruk manifestations…

The Gork-Roara races around, spewing mania-inducing smoke and screaming so loud that nearby heads explode. The infamous Foot of Gork is a glowing green trotter that has flattened many a self-satisfied hero across the ages of Warhammer. Finally, inspired by the marsh-forming spit knocked out of Gorkamorka’s gob in his brawls during the Age of Myth, the Morkspit Marsh is a bubbling sump that confounds and consumes those who stray near it.
Ethereal energies are great, and orruks will reluctantly admit they are happy to see their foes beaten into submission by glowing green magic, but they would much rather be using their own fists to smash folk. Handily, the Ironjawz Spearhead provides a new avenue for raw aggression.

With a Megaboss swollen with martial might, three Weirdbrute Wrekkaz overflowing with barbarous energy, five Brutes and 10 Ardboyz, the Ironjawz Bigmob is a sledgehammer with one goal – to smash aside all opposition.
This is the second Spearhead for the Orruk Warclans, the previous Swampskulka Gang featured in the Fire and Jade book from Skaventide and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Ultimate Starter set. Rules for the new Spearhead will be available to download from Warhammer Community when the battletome is released.
There are plenty more reveals to check out today at the World Championships of Warhammer preview hub.