The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds is now in full swing. There are dozens of warbands duking it out across Embergard even now – and there’ll be another new one to see next week. The design team have been hard at work since release, playing games, observing tournaments and collating data, and they’re ready to unveil the first new Rules Updates and Organised Play Formats documents.

The first document is entitled Rules Updates: Winter 2024-2025, covering changes to rules and warbands. This is in a new format which is designed to be cut out and placed on amended cards, and it will be controlled by version. Where the change is to a digital rules file, we've updated those files and version-controlled them as well. This new update format makes the rules changes, and any future changes, very easy to follow and understand.
There is also an FAQ covering numerous questions to help players understand certain significant shifts to the new edition, including how to sequence abilities and objective scoring, inflicting damage, and areas where card rules take precedence over the core rules.
There has been one change to the Core Rules. Drive Back now only works for drawn combat if at least one success was rolled. This is designed to help warbands who need to hold treasure or other battlefield positions.
Changes to warbands
Based on community feedback and tournament results, we’ve made some tweaks to a few warbands to improve game balance.

Gorechosen of Dromm: Enrage and Final Frenzy are now less powerful. Enrage costs eight Blood Tithe and may only target an opponent's fighter. No longer will Gore Hulk be charging twice in one turn for one Blood Tithe! Final Frenzy now only heals a fighter to be vulnerable, and that fighter will be slain at the end of the battle round. This means Dromm and Gore Hulk won't be coming back with lots of health from a lucky roll.
The Grymwatch: In the Name of the King has been clarified to work in the Power Step.
Kainan's Reapers: Mortek Advance changed to clarify that each move must end adjacent to another minion, rather than at the end of all the moves as a group.
Morgok's Crushas: Get a Move On,Ya Gitz! has had its language standardised to match other similar abilities. There is no change to the effect.

Ylthari's Guardians: The Inspire ability has been clarified. If a card is taken from the Power Deck, it must be the top card. The Surge abilities have been updated to clarify that one can be used once per battle round.
Cyreni's Razors: Hammertide has been adjusted to clarify and limit the area of effect.
Daggok's Stab-ladz: Daggok's second weapon now has the melee Runemark. Krulestab has been clarified so it may now only be used once per turn per fighter.
The Farstriders: Farstrider's first melee attack has been changed to hit on hammers, making it more accurate.
Ironsoul's Condemnors: The wording of Aetherically Charged Shield has been clarified, but there is no rules change.
The Sepulchral Guard: Bone Shrapnel will now only work against melee attacks.

The Skinnerkin: Precise Fillet, More for the Pantry and Calloused Hands now work once per battle round.
Spiteclaw's Swarm: The Lurking Skaven, The Hungering Skaven, and The Festering Skaven all now have the Minion Runemark, so they can be raised with the Swarm ability.
The Thricefold Discord: Evasive has been made a little less reliable. Indolent will not affect weapons from Upgrade cards. Eldritch Enmity has been clarified, and is not now a surge ability. Vile Temptations has had the Surge icon removed and now works in the power step – so there are fewer opportunities to use it.
Zarbag's Gitz: Scurry can be used only once per turn. Spinnin' now always inflicts damage, so the Gitz player cannot choose not to harm fighters (typically their own!) when they are next to Snirk.
Zondara's Gravebreakers: Undying Love has had Surge removed, and is now used in the Power Step.
Changes to decks
Reckless Fury: Catch Weapon, Lost Legacy, and Over to You now have Surge icons, though their effects are unchanged.
Organised Play balance
The Nemesis format now has a Forsaken and Restricted list, a concept that will be familiar to players of the last edition. No more than three cards from the Restricted list can be used in a Nemesis deck, and no Forsaken cards may be used at all.

These lists are designed to improve Nemesis play balance by targeting cards which are used in decks too frequently, or which can be too powerful when combined with other decks in the format. Utter Ignorance, Fury of Aqshy, Get It Done, and Bladecatcher have been put on the Forsaken list this time.*
The Studio will be keeping an eye on Organised Play data, and cards will be moved onto and off of these lists when appropriate, helping maintain a balanced Nemesis format.
* The Forsaken restriction only applies to the Nemesis format, so these cards are still totally fine to use in Rivals.