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  • The Stormcast Eternals Bring Immense Range and Lots of Gryphs to the Tabletop With These Warscrolls

The Stormcast Eternals Bring Immense Range and Lots of Gryphs to the Tabletop With These Warscrolls

AoS StormcastRules Jul29 Stormcast FactionHeader

Alongside all the other amazing Stormcast Eternals releases up for pre-order tomorrow, you’ll find some new units to bolster the armies of Sigmar. Both just happen to feature ever-popular Gryphs in the form of the Knight-Judicator’s brace of Gryph-hounds and the Gryph-chargers pulling the Stormstrike Chariot. 

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 SCEArmyWe know you already want the models – because Gryphs – but if you’re wondering how they perform on the table, here’s a cheeky look at their warscrolls.

Stormstrike Chariot

These fast, tough units can be crewed with warriors armed with Great Stormbows for a solid ranged attack, making them ideal harassment units. 

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 ChariotBow

Alternatively, you can opt for Tempestuous Spears to smash through enemy lines in a blaze of glory. 

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 ChariotSpear

The chariot itself is also a potent weapon. Thanks to the Celestial Blaze ability, it generates Azyric energy that is released in a blinding flash when it smashes into the foe making them suffer a penalty to their hit rolls. 

Let’s see what else the Stormstrike Chariot is bringing to the tabletop.

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 ChariotWarscroll

Not only are these units fast, but they pack a punch and soak up a lot of attention with their high Wounds. When they do get up close and personal, those adorable Gryph-chargers deliver a whopping six attacks with -2 Rend, making this a powerhouse in a relatively small package. 

For extra fun, run them in a Celestial Vindicators army. 

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 DrivenByVengeance

The bonus hits will definitely put a kink in your opponent’s plans. 


This one-man (and two-Gryph) artillery piece is a potent Hero. Any enemy that makes the mistake of ignoring him in favour of bigger units is in for a nasty surprise or two. 

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 KnightJudi

The loyal Gryph-hounds act as their own unit once deployed, roaming wide to keep their master free from distractions so he can pop away with his whopping great bow. 

Take a look at all of their impressive stats.

SCEWarscrolls Sep10 KnightJudiWarscroll

The phenomenal 30” range on that Terminus Greatbow should ensure that the Knight-Judicator always has a juicy target for his two -3 Rend and 3 Damage shots, but the real power move here is the Gaze of Sigmar ability. 

Knights-Judicator can call Sigmar’s attention to the battlefield, acting like divine artillery to lay waste to an entire section of the battlefield. Use your chariots to corral the foe into a tightly-packed bottleneck, then unleash the wrath of Sigmar. 

Both of these powerful support units are up for pre-order tomorrow alongside Battletome: Stormcast Eternals and even more hobby goodies. Get your hands on them to open up new tactical options for your champions of Sigmar.

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