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Wield the power of the gods in Kill Team: Blood and Zeal

A momentous day arrives on Volkus. The Great Gun is being prepared to fire, and across the annular sprawl of Hive Fissilicus millions labour to assemble its hallowed ammunition.

The most vital and dangerous component – the colossal firing cap that ignites the shell’s propellant – must be transported to the central complex, but a brutal blood cult of augmented killers is out to detonate it inside the city and only the missionaries escorting the payload stand in their way.

Devotion to the Blood God clashes with the holy fire of the God-Emperor in Kill Team: Blood and Zeal – the next major expansion.

This expansion box for Kill Team adds two completely new kill teams, includes a mission-packed dossier full of expanded lore and rules, expands upon Killzone Volkus (the terrain found in Kill Team: Hivestorm), and adds cards and tokens for both teams. 

The first team are the Sanctifiers, a band of 11 fervent Ecclesiarchal militiamen dedicated to the protection of the Imperium at all costs and inspired by the stirring oratory of a Confessor. These fanatics follow military deployments and religious processions alike to keep their fellow pilgrims safe, frequently getting stuck into the fight with ardour.

What these zealous missionaries lack in armour they make up for in raw grit, fighting through injuries that would fell an ogryn with prayers on their lips and booming sermons in their ears. Many are equipped with searing flame weapons, packing a hefty punch at close range, and the presence of the Drill Abbot and Death Cult Assassin cranks their fervour even higher.

Arrayed against them are the ferocious Goremongers – eight mortal servants of Khorne who have been lucky enough to witness the crimson form of a Bloodletter in combat and actually survive the encounter. This experience makes them obsessed with this perfect manifestation of the Blood God’s wrath, seeking to emulate their idols in deed and image.

Goremongers are among the most lucid and reliable of Khorne’s troops, pumping a constant flow of combat stimms mixed with drops of their masters’ blood into their systems while still retaining a modicum of cunning and level-headedness. The first thing they do is to cut off their own legs and graft on a new mechanical pair that brings them closer to the ideal physical form, armed with blood letting chainweapons and ritual daggers..

As well as the two kill teams, you also get a massive Imperial Shrine Statue to act as an awesome centrepiece for your terrain tables. The Blood and Zeal Dossier includes loads of missions that make use of this gigantic monument, as well as an in-depth hobby guide teaching you how to desecrate the statue to honour the Chaos Gods.

The Dossier contains fascinating new mechanics that involve an entirely new deck of Blood and Zeal cards. Drawing a card in-game could give you a sudden stroke of good fortune as the divine cast their gaze over your battlefield and bequeath the faithful with powerful abilities.

Lastly, you get a big token sheet with everything you need to play both kill teams from the get-go. It wont be long until you start to see this brutal slugfest of an expansion approaching pre-orders, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community and learn all about its contents in greater detail soon.