From their secluded isle of Ulthuan, the Asur regard the Old World with a certain amount of suspicion. Now, a tide of pointy helmets and pointier ears are making themselves known to the Old World, alongside a Made to Order of Warhammer 40,000 terrain in this week’s Sunday preview.

Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms

Elevate the already lofty High Elves to precipitous levels of power and pomp with Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms, a 48-page supplement containing new rules, background lore, and scenarios. It includes profiles for Korhil Lionmane, Ishaya Vess, and Chracian Chieftains as well as numerous other units, two Armies of Infamy representing the Chracian Warhost and Sea Guard Garrison, and new magical items. It will be available as a softback book* and an epub edition.
High Elves Battalion

Show the younger civilisations how it's done with a gleaming host from the High Elves Battalion box, which contains 32 Elven Spearman and 32 Elven Archers with enough command options to make two units of 16 of each. The infantry are supported by two Tiranoc Chariots that can be turned into Lion Chariots of Chrace, for when you want your mounts to be as dangerous as your riders. This box also contains one new High Elves transfer sheet, comprising 356 transfers.*
High Elves Reference Card Pack, Dice Set, and Transfer Sheet

Add to your collection with a set of Reference Cards and thematic dice. The pack of 36 cards lets you quickly reference rules for magic items as well as the Lore of Saphery, Elven Honours and more. You can also get a pack of 20 dice – including one artillery and one scatter dice – cast in pearlescent swirl silver plastic with blue pips and a High Elf icon on the six face.*
The High Elf Realms transfer sheet provides a huge selection of full-colour and metallic transfers that represent the heraldry of the Temple of Asur, Chrace, Lothern, Averlorn, plus transfers for spearmen, archer, chariot, and Dragon Princes of Caledor banners, and 120 Elven runes.
Lord of Chrace

The harsh lands of Chrace produce woodsmen of an unusual calibre, each a proficient hunter and fearsome combatant who will one day be expected to stalk and kill one of the ferocious white lions that make the region their home. Those born into noble families often end up pursuing the office of command, leading the great armies of their home to victory. This Forge World resin miniature can be used as either a High Elf Lord with Chracian Hunter honours, or the new Chracian Chieftain character from Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.
Ishaya Vess Sentinel of the Silent Isle

Ulthuan’s prime threats are seaborne, and it is the job of garrisons dotted across cliffs and coasts to protect the homeland. Their commanders are chosen by Sea Lord Aislinn, master of the Phoenix King’s fleet, and Ishaya Vess is his latest appointment – a swift warrior armed with the trident Mathlann’s Ire, she leads units of Lothern Sea Guard into battle. She is made of Forge World resin, and has rules in Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.**
High Elf Lord on Dragon

The Dragons of Ulthuan are the High Elves’ oldest and greatest allies, though many of these terrifying beasts now slumber within the Dragon Spine Mountains, only roused for battle by ancient Caledorian songs. It is not uncommon for Lords and Mages to forge unbreakable bonds with one of these creatures over many years, riding them into battle, scouring their foes with superheated flames from high above. This returning plastic kit can build a High Elf Lord or Archmage mounted on Moon Dragon or Star Dragon, or a Dragon Mage mounted on Sun Dragon.*
Ellyrian Reavers

Expert cavalry riders from the land of Ellyrion now ride to battle as Ellyrian Reavers, swiftly outflanking enemy lines, skirmishing with other scouts and ranging warriors, before charging into the flanks of otherwise occupied units. This new multi-option plastic kit is based on the miniatures from the Island of Blood boxed set – albeit substantially changed – and builds 10 Ellyrian Reavers, with a full complement of command options.
Swordmasters of Hoeth

The Swordmasters of Hoeth are warrior-scholars who arduously train themselves in every facet of sword fighting, and in the process have become exemplars of hand-to-hand combat – the air itself humming as they cleave through foes with great sweeps of their blades. This plastic kit builds 30 Swordmasters of Hoeth, or two units of 15 with full commands, again based on miniatures originally found in the Island of Blood set.*
White Lions of Chrace

Since the time of Caledor the First, the White Lions of Chrace have served the Phoenix King, inveterate hunters who put their valour and skills to the test on the battlefield. These mighty warriors are as fearsome as the white lions they are named after, and fiercely guard their charges with powerful axes that resemble those carried by the woodsmen of Chrace. This plastic kit builds 20 White Lions of Chrace, or two units of 10 with a full command each.*
Eagle-Claw Bolt Throwers

Eagle-Claw Bolt Throwers are more refined than the crude stone throwers or unreliable cannons and mortars used by other civilisations. Their clever design allows them to switch seamlessly between firing bolts capable of stopping a rampaging giant in its tracks, or fans of smaller bolts which cut down swathes of infantry. This plastic kit builds two, each with two Sea Guard crew.*
Returning Metal Miniatures

There are plenty of incredible High Elves from across the ages, and this first wave includes three venerable metal miniatures. Korhil Lionmane makes a perfect addition to any army fielding White Lions of Chrace, while the Handmaiden of the Everqueen is a swift warrior who cuts down priority foes with her elegant spear.

Add airborne support to your force with a Great Eagle of the Elven Realms, a feathered friend who has no compunctions about tearing foes to shreds with their powerful beak and claws.

The pelagic horrors called Merwyrms are thought to be distant relations to the dragons that soar through the skies above Ulthuan. Powerful mages bind them into service and lead them into battle alongside the armies of the Sea Lord, where they thrash and gnash at enemies with frightening speed, often to the surprise of foes who expect sea-borne beasts to be hindered on land. This expert kit is made from Forge World Resin and has rules in Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.

Warhammer 40,000 Made to Order Terrain

With the Astra Militarum on their way, now’s the time to start planning a gaming table themed around the Wall of Martyrs. The towering Imperial Bastion, Imperial Bunker, Imperial Defence Emplacement, and the Imperial Defence Line – comprising two dugouts and four barricades – will all be available on a Made to Order basis from 10am local time on Saturday the 15th of February until 8am GMT on Sunday the 23rd of February. As a Made to Order product they can take up to 180 days to ship.

This week on Warhammer TV, How We Roll is flipping from conceal to engage and ambushing Elliot, who worked on the new edition of Kill Team, to talk all about what goes into taking a game from one edition to the next.

Our Loremasters presenter Alex has been nipping out of the office on lunch breaks to gawp at the Nephilim Anomaly – and we can only hope he has been doing research for this week’s episode and not some nefarious task for the Silent King. You'll have to watch to find out. Finally the transformative power of Chaos has inspired our contestants on Scrap Demon and they are all battling to create the most appalling abomination in order to appease the Dark Gods.***
Here at Warhammer Community, with the haughty High Elves on the horizon, we have once again prepared a series of in-depth Old World Almanacks. There’s also a second interview with another Contrast Paint expert, and numerous reveals.
* This product is delayed in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
** This product is delayed in Japan.
*** That’s what we call the judges.