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  • This Awesome Iron Warriors Army Is Ready To Bash Your Front Doors In

This Awesome Iron Warriors Army Is Ready To Bash Your Front Doors In

We’re really feeling the power of Chaos here at Warhammer Community lately, and the Dark Gods have blessed us once again this week in the form of a stunning Iron Warriors warband, belonging to Chaos Lord Beard (aka Joe from the Tabletop Tactics Youtube channel). 

Joe: We make a lot of Warhammer 40,000 battle reports, and as a result I have amassed a pretty big Iron Warriors-themed Chaos Space Marines army that I’m very excited to show off here on Warhammer Community! 

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I started collecting my Iron Warriors as my re-entry into the Warhammer hobby over a decade ago, and they have been my main force and consistently added to – alongside Sisters of Battle, Space Wolves, and Deathwatch projects. They have brought me consistent joy over the years, and have been such a pleasure to work on.

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I‘m proud to say that I have built and heavily converted almost every unit in the army. This can be as simple as head or helmet swaps dotted across squads, but I’ve also done quite a few complete kitbash projects to add in something entirely unique to represent specific units.

I’ve always imagined the Iron Warriors to be incredibly resourceful, maintaining and customising the wargear that has served them since the Horus Heresy. To bring this aspect to life I have used quite a lot of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy kits, to give the impression that these are true veterans of the Long War. 

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The army itself is led by Terminator Lord Ignis Ungala, who is based on the Abaddon the Despoiler kit. Ignis has seen me through countless battles with legendary battle honours – and equally legendary defeats. He was actually an incredible gift from one of our channel’s subscribers, and I treasure the model dearly. Other units have been beautifully created by some incredibly talented painting studios, such as my Forgefiends and Lord of Skulls.

Iron Warriors have siegecraft at their hearts, and destructive weaponry is absolutely represented in my force, but I also want to represent the Legion’s more experimental nature, shown off in Black Library novels such as Storm of Iron, by using units like Obliterators and Possessed as examples of Space Marines infected with daemonic technoviruses. I love the idea that they’ve been created as walking virus bombs, loaded into Land Raiders and unleashed into enemy lines. 

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It’s a very exciting time for this army with the introduction of the new Codex: Chaos Space Marines, so it’s time to play some games and paint myself some Raptors and a new jump pack-equipped Chaos Lord!

Thanks, Joe! This really is an impressive army – Perturabo would be proud, even if he’d never admit it. We love seeing Chaos Space Marines from around the community, so please share yours on Facebook and Twitter. Codex: Chaos Space Marines is available to pre-order now.

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