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  • Saturday Pre-orders – The Lion Brings the Arks of Omen Series to a Close

Saturday Pre-orders – The Lion Brings the Arks of Omen Series to a Close

The Lion wakes and charges headlong into battle against the forces of Chaos with the help of two Chapter Masters in this week’s pre-orders, alongside new Boarding Patrols, Horus Heresy tank destroyers, and Made to Order Drukhari.

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The Lion & Retinue

The Lion and Retinue

From ethereal thickets, a shadowy figure emerges – Lion El’Jonson has risen from his slumber and leapt straight into the thick of the action in the Imperium Nihilus. Armed with the power sword Fealty and sporting the Emperor’s very own shield, the Lord of Shadowed Paths is primed to terminate any traitors he encounters while on the hunt. 

This special launch set also features three Bladeguard Veterans to flank the Lion, two gorgeous art prints featuring illustrations from Arks of Omen: The Lion, and a sheet of Dark Angels transfers to detail his retinue.*

Don’t worry if you can’t get your hands on this special edition set when it comes out – the Lion will be available solo in just a few weeks. You’ll have plenty of time to paint him up to use in your first games of the new edition of Warhammer 40,000.

The Warhammer painting team has put together a guide to help you paint the Primarch of the Dark Angels with just a few colours, so you can get him on the table ASAP.


Base coat the Lion and the Watchers with Chaos Black spray, and the base with Mechanicus Standard Grey spray. Paint the armour panels with Nocturne Green, the robes, bone, purity seal parchment and his majestic hair and beard with Morghast Bone, the cloak and tabard with Warpstone Glow, and finally add a regal touch to elements like the Emperor’s shield with Khorne Red

You can paint the gold with Retributor Armor and the face with Cadian Fleshtone, and add depth to both with Reikland Fleshshade. Paint the metallic elements with Iron Hands Steel, the Watchers’ robes and wax seals with Barak-Nar Burgundy, and finish it all off by shading them with Nuln Oil.

Arks of Omen: The Lion

AoO The Lion Book

Vashtorr the Arkifane and Abaddon have unleashed countless horrors upon the galaxy in the Arks of Omen series, but they’re not finished yet. Arks of Omen: The Lion is the final chapter of this epic narrative, and it opens with a bang as the Primarch of the Dark Angels heads a last-ditch attempt to thwart the forces of Chaos.

Over 30 pages of background lore detail the final moments of Vashtorr’s diabolical machinations, as the Lion stands toe to toe with his brother Angron in a climactic duel. Boarding Action rules for the Leagues of Votann, Thousand Sons, Adeptus Custodes, and Agents of The Imperium also feature, alongside new Breaching Operations missions with rules that let you blast through walls. Finally, Dread Encounter missions provide six unique narrative scenarios for Boarding Actions, including one where a furious Angron scythes your battlefield in half!

Arks of Omen: The Lion (Collector’s Edition)

AoO The Lion (Collecters Ed)

Kneel and pledge allegiance to the Lion with the Collector’s Edition of the final Arks of Omen volume. This luxury version comes with a variant soft-touch cover featuring the Dark Angels icon alongside the Lion’s distinguished face, complete with silver foil lettering and a black ribbon page marker. It’s available only while stocks last – so get yours before it’s gone.

Supreme Grand Master Azrael


After crossing the Rubicon Primaris and engaging in battle with the Vashtorr, Supreme Grand Master Azrael now stands alongside the Primarch of the Dark Angels. This legendary commander and storied strategist is the perfect leader for any Dark Angels force – check out his free rules here.

Arks of Omen: The Lion Art Print Bundle

THe Lion Art Print Collection

After waiting 10,000 years for the Lion to return, make something of the occasion by buying The Lion & Retinue, Supreme Grand Master Azrael, and Arks of Omen: The Lion together – and scoring an exclusive artist-signed print of the Knight of the Nihilus. Only 300 copies are available, so act fast.**

Commander Dante


Refusing to be upstaged by the First, golden boy Commander Dante has rocketed over the Rubicon Primaris and stepped into a gleaming suit of custom armour that retains his utterly iconic look. A righteous bolt of fury from the dark bearing the likeness of his Primarch, you can check out his free rules here.

Sanguinary Guard Dice Set

Sanguinary Dice

Wherever Commander Dante strikes, his loyal Sanguinary Guard are never far behind. Dazzle your foes with dice rolls using this set of 15 metallic gold dice with red pips that feature the Blood Angels Chapter icon on the 6 face.

Vashtorr the Arkifane


Soaring into battle on a cloud of dark lightning and infernal smog, Vashtorr the Arkifane promises to bring ruin to the Imperium with a mind-boggling array of interlocking plans and a massive hammer that he uses to craft and unmake daemon engines in the fiery depths of his Soul Forges. You can find his rules here.

Boarding Patrol: Leagues of Votann

BP Leagues of Votann

Stake your claim on the gleaming innards of a variety of voidcraft with Boarding Patrol: Leagues of Votann. The twisting corridors of a Boarding Actions map don’t leave many places to hide from the Judgement of an Einhyr Champion, five Einhyr Hearthguard, 10 Hearthkyn Warriors, and five Cthonian Beserks.

Boarding Patrol: Agents of the Imperium

BP Agents of the Imperium

Life among the stars is fraught with danger in the 41st Millennium, and Rogue Traders are no strangers to repelling all sorts of nefarious threats to their craft as they conduct clandestine business. Boarding Patrol: Agents of the Imperium contains 10 Elucidian Starstriders – that’s a Cartographica Rogue Trader, her three closest cronies, five Voidsmen-at-Arms, and a Canid – plus 20 Imperial Navy Breachers, and a nasty surprise – a seething Eversor Assassin barely held in check by synthesised sedatives.

Made to Order: Drukhari

GWPreorders Mar25 MTOBanner

MTO Drukhari BeastmastersMTO Drukhari Clawed FiendsMTO Drukhari Grotesques
MTO Drukhari MandrakesMTO Drukhari Razorwing FlocksMTO Drukhari Khymerae
MTO Drukhari LhameansMTO Drukhari MedusaeMTO Drukhari Sslyth
MTO Drukhari Ur Ghuls00 SpacerMTO Drukhari Urien Rakarth

The city of Commorragh is full of exotic beasts and mysterious alien mercenaries, all of which find themselves at the beck and call of Archons, Wych Cults, and Haemonculi in battle. You can boost the ranks of your Drukhari with the following – Beastmasters, Clawed Fiends, Razorwing Flocks, Khymerae, Mandrakes, Lhameans, Medusae, Sslyth, Ur-Ghuls, Grotesques, and Urien Rakarth.

This range of resin kits will be available to order from today until 8am BST on the 24th of April – as Made to Order products, they can take up to 180 days to arrive. 

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Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

Cerberus Heavy Tank

The answer to the proliferation of tanks on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy is clear – more tanks, but fitted with neutron lasers capable of obliterating enemy armour in a single shot. First up is the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer, an adaptation of the Spartan chassis with a triple-barrelled neutron laser battery that can take a hefty dose of punishment while spitting out radioactive death.

Sicaran Venator Tank Hunter

Sicaran Venator Tank Hunter

Outflank lumbering opponents with the Sicaran Venator Tank Hunter***, a nimble armoured vehicle fitted with a neutron beam laser. It’s the perfect candidate for speeding ahead of your main force and tearing through the vulnerable side and rear armour of hapless enemy war machines. 

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Cindy Piewhistle & Puggy Baconbreath

BB Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath

Two of Blood Bowl’s most famous Halfling players take to the field this month. Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath take time out from their busy meal schedule to seek glory on the Gridiron. These models are available to preorder from Forge World.#

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White Dwarf 487

WD 487

April’s issue of White Dwarf brings all new Boarding Action rules that unlock laser beam barrier tiles for the Herald of Misery, War of Iron provides new Arks of Omen lore and a mission, and Angron takes centre stage for a massive showcase featuring background info and painting advice. Destruction fans can also feast on part five of The Great Stomp series, and a gallery of custom-made Orruk Warclans ready to unleash a plethora of Waaaghs!

Everything listed above is now available to pre-order on the Games Workshop webstore.

* This product is delayed in Australia and New Zealand.

** This bundle is not available in Germany or Australia.

*** This product is delayed in Japan

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