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Saturday Pre-orders – It’s White Dwarf Week

This week is something of an eye in the storm – with the Tyranids out last week and a huge release next (wait til tomorrow to find out about that…) we have a quieter period for you to catch up on your painting.

WhiteDwarf 600Wide LOGO

However, you can still pre-order White Dwarf issue 492, which is packed with all the usual hobby goodness you know and love. There’s more from the Bunker – the biggest gaming club in the world – as well as new rules and scenarios for all sorts of game systems, and a massive cover feature all about those Terminators. This magazine is available to pre-order from the Games Workshop webstore right now.

GWPreorder Sept09 WD492

Warhammer Heroes Series 4

Actually, that’s not all. Coming to selected retail partners this week is series 4 of the Warhammer Heroes collection. These are blind boxes containing one random Space Marine miniature from a possible seven. They are bundled with individual rules cards, and come together to form a full faction for your games of Kill Team.

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There are a range of specialisms in their ranks, including Intercessors, an Assault Intercessor, a Heavy Intercessor, an Eliminator, and even a Captain. They are single-pose models with a choice of heads.

GWPreorder Sept09 WHHeroes2

These models will initially be available from the following stockists in these regions:

  • Canada: GameStop Canada and independent retailers

  • Germany: Muller and GameStop

  • Japan: Surugaya stores, Furuhon Ichiba stores, and independent retailers

  • Thailand: Asia Books

  • Vietnam: Fahasa

They may well be coming to more regions and in other formats in the future, so keep your eyes peeled!

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