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  • LVO Preview 2024 – Krethusa the Croneseer heralds the arrival of Dawnbringer V

LVO Preview 2024 – Krethusa the Croneseer heralds the arrival of Dawnbringer V

Though Morathi-Khaine betrayed Sigmar in her selfish pursuit of godhood, not all of her kin worship the Shadow Queen. Help for beleaguered Sigmarites in Aqshy and Ghyran arrives on the midnight-black wings of Krethusa the Croneseer.

LVO Preview2024 TheCroneseer

Krethusa was a loner in the sisterhood of Khaine from her early days, as she cultivated an obsession with Morai-Heg, the ancient Crone goddess who was swallowed along with the rest of the aelven pantheon by Slaanesh. She felt a presence visiting her in dreams and wholeheartedly believed it was Morai-Heg. For this, she was ridiculed, beaten, and ostracised. 

She did not abandon her obsession, and her mania reached its peak when she found the Circlet of Morai-Heg deep in a temple in Ulgu. By donning this headdress with its inverted spikes, she sacrificed her sight, hoping to receive the gift of truth from the Crone Goddess.

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This miracle didn’t come to pass,* and Krethusa was distraught for many years. Only when Morathi-Khaine attained godhood and slit the belly of Slaanesh was this devotion rewarded: a sliver of divinity was freed and Krethusa received sable wings and the gift of prescience.

Now Krethusa is the Croneseer, accompanied by flocks of carrion birds who act as her all-seeing eyes across the Mortal Realms. Visions of futures as yet unseen flood her mind, and though she struggles to discern precisely how each future will come to pass, Morai-Heg subtly guides her with omens. 

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You can read about Krethusa’s scattered visions of the future in Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone, as they bring her to the aid of the Twin-Tailed Crusade in Ghyran, and to Hammerhal, which is slowly succumbing to the Kingsblood Curse.

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This book covers the Croneseer’s Pariahs, an Army of Renown for worshippers of Morai-Heg, and another for the protectors of Hammerhal, as well as the fourth part of the Twin-Tailed Crusade Path to Glory pack. There are rules for Stronghold Assault, a new Matched Play battlepack that pits teams of four players in a clash between competing redoubts.

Morai-Heg’s sable-winged prophet will first be available as part of Krethusa’s Cronehost, a box which pairs her with five Doomfire Warlocks (which can also be built as Dark Riders) and 10 Witch Aelves (which can be alternatively built as Sisters of Slaughter).

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For more visions from the near future of Warhammer (which we guarantee will come true), check out the rest of our coverage via the preview hub.

* Going to show that you should never trust a cursed crown…

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