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  • Tune in today for a festive Hang Out and Paint Christmas special

Tune in today for a festive Hang Out and Paint Christmas special

It’s getting closer to Christmas, and the Warhammer Painting Team are on hand to help raise your spirits and get you in a festive mood with a two-hour Hang Out and Paint Christmas Special.

Catch it below (you may need to accept cookies to see the stream), or direct on the Warhammer YouTube channel.

The stream starts at 6pm GMT, and the schedule is packed. Test your miniature identification skills with What’s in Da Snowman, answer the Grotmas Quiz, and watch as the team tackles a series of weird and wacky painting challenges.

We’ll be asking you to vote on what miniatures our presenters paint, and you’ll get to tell us who had the best Christmas clobber on. There will also be two community round-ups in which the guys take a look at what you’ve been working on – festive or otherwise.

A couple of extra treats will be unwrapped during the stream, so tune in and take part at 6pm GMT today!

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