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The Regimental Standard – Making Friends, the Astra Militarum Way

RSSentinels Jan17 Header

Greetings, Guardsmen!Time spent on the front lines may lead you to believe that the strength of the Astra Militarum stems from secure supply lines, extensive training, or overwhelming firepower. In truth, it is the indomitable spirit of camaraderie and teamwork that truly carries the day. As perilous developments across the Imperium necessitate more regimental intermingling than usual, your unit may soon find itself pressed into battle alongside unfamiliar comrades from strange worlds. 

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Interacting with Guardsmen from foreign planetary cultures may seem intimidating – but through the God-Emperor’s wisdom, all things are possible. We have refined this process down into three important steps that will guarantee a smooth operational experience for you and – most importantly – your capable cadre of officers.

  1. Greet Your Allies with a Crisp Handshake (where applicable)

Customs may differ across the Imperium’s million worlds, but we are certain that no upstanding soldier can mistake the reassuring warmth of a good, honest handshake. In some instances, honourable battlefield injuries may prevent you or the recipient from engaging in this traditional greeting. In such cases, a simple nod or jaunty tip of the hat will suffice.  

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Note that under no circumstances may a Guardsman relieve themselves of their weapon in order to conduct a handshake greeting. Punishments for such ill-treatment of armaments may be found on page 105 of your Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer.

  1. Respect Alternative Headwear Choices

One of the most commonly-substituted elements of a Guardsman’s uniform is the helmet, which is often replaced with an item more closely linked to the regiment’s homeworld. No matter how clear it may be that your Standard Issue Flak Helmet, the envy of armed forces the galaxy over, offers greater protection than your comrade’s hood, headband or shako, unflattering comparisons like “Can it stop a las-bolt though?” are a sure-fire way to sow discord in the ranks.

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A simple comment like “nice hat,” or “interesting feather, what’s it from” goes a long way to fostering trust and goodwill between personnel. Be aware that removal of headwear from deceased individuals for commemorative purposes is not advised, especially those of alumni of the Schola Progenium. This rule is subject only to authorised exceptions.

  1. Share Your Expertise

Regiments from different worlds often outfit and train their basic infantry units according to distinctive doctrines. The fighting men of Catachan may be too simple-minded to take advantage of weaponry more complicated than a flamer, but their brute strength and go-getting attitude is exactly what the courageous Shock Troops of Cadia need to muscle through troublesome enemy positions at the speartip of their latest heroic charge. Those who survive together, thrive together.

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Likewise, keep in mind the values of your new comrades. Cowardice is naturally punishable by execution, but to exhibit it in front of the Death Korps of Krieg will lower their opinion not just of you, but also the Guardsmen who replace your disgraceful unit. Even the most hapless soldier can support their comrades by dying in manner befitting the Emperor’s uniform.

With these guidelines in hand, the combined might of the Astra Militarum will find no equal among the stars. This is our final message before your next great campaign in the Emperor’s name – do us proud, Guardsman/Crewman/Pilot (circle as appropriate).

Regimental Standard, signing off.

Thought for the day: “We are born to obey. We live to serve. We die to honour Him.”

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