As far as Nagash is concerned, all souls are his by right. For too long have the aelves stolen the spirits of their ancestors away from him, so the Great Necromancer has at last unleashed his most terrifying servants to collect tribute long overdue in a massive new battlebox for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Arena of Shades contains 44 models spread across two armies, for the Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine. Leading them are two new Heroes, with a deadly new unit of crossbow-armed spirits also joining the forces of Death.

Leading the Nighthaunt is Vayon of the Withered Quill – one of the Scriptors Mortis, the ghostly record-keepers who track the rise of Nagash’s domain. With a spiteful flick of his quill, Vayon can condemn those heroes who stand against the God of Undeath to especially horrible underworlds, dooming them to suffer massive damage every turn.
Planning for the raid falls to one of Nagash’s most powerful servants – Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King – who dispatches a force of his elite Craventhrone Guard. These bitter shades excel in ranged combat, loosing spectral bolts that pass through stone and steel before cutting down their unfortunate targets.
The Craventhrone Guard are joined by ten Bladegheist Revenants, one Spirit Torment, two Chainghasts, and four Myrmourn Banshees, giving the forces of Death plenty of ways to tackle their murderous aelven opponents.Standing (well, acrobatically leaping) between the Nighthaunt and Har Kuron is High Gladiatrix Yelena, an arena fighter famed across her city. A living conduit of Morathi-Khaine’s wrath, the High Gladiatrix rides a wave of murderous fervour to spur the Witch Aelves around her to greater heights of carnage, claiming the heads of enemy heroes in a dance of death.
She leads a force of five Doomfire Warlocks, ten Sisters of Slaughter, and five Khinerai Heartrenders, making her army lightning fast and capable of diving headlong into close combat before the Nighthaunt have time to react.
Arena of Shades is only one of the massive announcements made this week, with loads of new Warhammer being revealed at the Las Vegas Open tournament during the year’s first Warhammer Preview Online. Catch up on everything at our glorious model-packed hub page, and get the full scoop delivered right to your inbox by signing up for the Warhammer Community newsletter.