The Mortal Realms echo with a resounding Waaagh! as hordes of orruks burst onto the battlefield. The cunning Kruleboyz and the brutal Ironjawz, flush with vigour from a brand new battletome, are spoiling for a fight. Or, if you prefer your punching with a wafer-thin veneer of sportsmanship, there are new Blood Bowl Star Players ready to join your teams.

Battletome: Orruk Warclans
With the Mortal Realms descending into anarchy and carnage in the wake of the Vermindoom, the Orruk Warclans have risen up to take the challenge head-on – much to their enjoyment. Battletome: Orruk Warclans collects rules and warscrolls for the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, as well as background, Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, and Spell, Manifestation, and Prayer Lores.
It also features several Armies of Renown, including Da Big Waaagh! – a conglomeration that joins the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz together into a monstrous whole – plus several fun new Regiments of Renown. All of this comes with new Path to Glory campaign rules and the latest Anvil of Apotheosis updates to craft your own personal hero.*
Battletome: Orruk Warclans (Gamer’s Edition)
Wish you had all of the battletome content in a more portable, table-friendly package? The Gamer’s Edition of Battletome: Orruk Warclans is the answer, featuring all of the same rules and lore as the full-sized book in a smaller format. Better still, it comes with a full set of reference cards so you can check your rules in double-quick time.*
Orruk Warclans Warscroll Cards
Spend less time thinkin’ and more time fightin’ with the Orruk Warclans Warscroll Cards – a pack of 43 handy reference aids featuring all of the warscrolls in the battletome, including a set for the new Spearhead.*
Hobgrot Slittaboss
Hobgrots are nasty little blighters and it takes a particularly vicious individual to wrangle them into some semblance of a disciplined fighting force. The Hobgrot Slittaboss is, accordingly, a murderous fiend with combat prowess and strategic cunning in spades, and a particular knack for stripping loot from war-ravaged battlefields.*
Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem
Inspire the boyz with a majestic Bossrokk Tower – an enormous totemic command platform with enough space to stand atop and bellow at the rambunctious rabble below. If your tastes lie more with the subtle Kruleboyz than the rowdy Ironjawz, you can instead assemble it as a Skaregob Totem and boost your Dirty Tricks.*
Orruk Warclans Manifestations
Orruk magic is every bit as savage and lethal as they are, and their Manifestations are no different. If you’re not sinking into a Morkspit Marsh or being shouted at by the Gork-Roara, the mighty Foot of Gork is probably about to stomp down and crush everything in its path.*
Killaboss with Stab-grot
The devious hordes of Kruleboyz are often led by a Killaboss and their faithful Stab-grot – a conniving pair who wield all the cunning of Mork (or possibly Gork) to lay low the strongest of enemies. The Killaboss has the option of equipping a flail or a Skareshield in their left hand, while the right hefts a wicked Boss-hacka for punching through armour.*
Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot
The Killaboss isn’t the only one with a diminutive ally, and Swampcalla Shamans are only too happy to leave the mixing and stirring of their often-lethal concoctions to an expandable Pot-grot. This magical hero is a great way of adding some Waaagh! energy to your Kruleboyz force, while their potent elixirs can invigorate entire units of boyz – with only the odd rare and deadly side-effect.*
Spearhead: Orruk Warclans
Send the might of the Ironjawz into the Spearhead arena with Spearhead: Orruk Warclans, with more green muscle and brute iron than you can shake a stick at. A hulking Megaboss leads five Brutes, three Brute Ragerz, and 10 Ardboyz into battle, making this one of the toughest and fightiest Spearhead forces ever assembled.*
Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast
Continue your narrative campaign adventures into the midst of the Skaven invasion with Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast – the next major expansion book for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This time, the action turns to the crumbling frontier of Aqshy as forces of all kinds struggle over the ever-shifting border regions across 12 new battleplans and 16 new Paths for both heroes and regiments, while emberstone collected along the way can be forged into wondrous – if dangerous – weapons.*

Anqi Panqi
The Lizardman legend Anqi Panqi kicks off our quintet of Star Player releases for Blood Bowl, bringing cold-blooded grit to the line of scrimmage with his prodigious blocking ability. Anqi is big even for a Saurus, making him the perfect anchor for a rock-solid defensive line.
This miniature is cast in Forge World resin.
Guffle Pusmaw
It’s difficult to even line up near Guffle Pusmaw without losing your lunch, making him a popular addition to Nurgle teams who can withstand his stench. The mouth exploding from his gut isn’t just for show either, as many unlucky players have discovered right as they think they’re about to catch a flying ball.
This miniature is cast in Forge World resin.
Jeremiah Kool
Jeremiah Kool is an icon of the Blood Bowl circuit, where his flashy skills as a Thrower and natural elven agility put him in the centre of many game-winning plays. So dazzling are his moves that many referees miss his other stand-out skill – sticking a knife or three in his opponents – though this hasn’t stopped him racking up an impressive body count across his long career on the gridiron.
This miniature is cast in Forge World resin.
Rashnak Backstabber
Speaking of players who appreciate a nice sharp mid-match shank, Rashnak Backstabber lives up to his respectably honest name by sinking blades into everyone he can reach whether a referee is watching or not. So fearsome is his reputation that he strikes fear into his opponents despite his diminutive size – a rare feat for a Hobgoblin that only speaks further to his lethal proclivities.
This miniature is cast in Forge World resin.
Rowana Forestfoot
The rules of Blood Bowl don’t specifically forbid you from bringing giant stags onto the pitch, so Rowana Forestfoot embraces her love of woodland creatures and takes them along for the ride. She towers above her fellow gnomes even at rest, and can soar right over their heads when her deer friend Flashhoof performs a Bounding Leap once per game.
This miniature is cast in Forge World resin.
Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac
Rules for many of these Star Players and more can be found in Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac, a collection of Spike! issues 16, 17, and 18 assembled together in one convenient place. This hardback book includes rules and information on Leagues, Tactics, Star Players, Balls and a Dungeon Bowl update for the Vampire, Gnome and Chaos Dwarf teams – plus popular segments like Chat with the Rat, Dirt from the Dugout, Coffin Corner and more

Mechanicum Battle-automata
March the might of the Mechanicum out onto the battlefields of Legions Imperialis with this set of cold and efficient Mechanicum Battle-automata, fresh from the forges of Mars. Each box comes with 110 individual epic-scale miniatures, building two Vultarax Stratos-Automata, two Arlatax Battle-Automata, two Domitar Battle-Automata, two units of Vorax Battle-Automata, and four units of Castellax Battle-Automata – a perfect way to start or expand your miniature Martian legion.*
Mechanicum Infantry
The forces of Mars were bulked out by millions of augmented Mechanicum Infantry wielding all kinds of wonderful weapons, from lightning guns to las-locks. This set includes two Archmagi Prime on Abeyants, two Myrmidon Secutor hosts, two Tech-Priest Auxillia with attendant automata, four units of Ursarax automata, four Myrmidon Destructor hosts, eight Thallax Cohort teams, and a 10-base covenant of Tech-Thralls.*
Mechanicum Triarios Squadron
Keep your cyborg soldiers safe within the armoured hulls of a Triarios Squadron, forming a Transport squadron that can shuttle vast amounts of your army around the battlefield in double-quick time. Each pack contains four plastic Triarios Armoured Conveyors, plus a transfer sheet of 394 Mechanicum decals.*

Seraptek Heavy Construct
Though a blessedly rare sight on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, Seraptek Heavy Constructs have nonetheless garnered a fearsome reputation thanks to their massive living metal bulk, powerful weapons, and complete lack of chill. This classic Forge World resin kit is now packaged with its pair of synaptic obliterators – powerful anti-infantry cannons that come attached to frighteningly powerful transdimensional projectors that can eradicate enemy vehicles in a single blast.
Rules for using the Seraptek Heavy Construct in narrative play games can be found in the Necrons Imperial Armour document on the Warhammer Community downloads page.

White Dwarf Issue 508
Sigmar’s strongest bastion in the Realm of Death comes under assault from the Ossiarch Bonereapers in Issue 508 of White Dwarf magazine, setting the stage for a new siege battleplan representing the struggle for the City of Bleak Ravens. This issue also includes a mini-campaign for Kill Team that pits players against non-player operatives with new mission cards, plus the usual smorgasbord of battle reports, painting guides, and Black Library fiction you all know and love.**

The Primarchs Collection: Visions of Glory and Despair
The Special Editions of the Siege of Terra novels contained beautiful full-page illustrations of the Emperor’s sons in their day-to-day garb, providing a striking window into the nature of these gene-wrought demigods when not clad in their battle armour. Now you can own the entire collection as a series of luxurious art prints titled The Primarchs Collection: Visions of Glory and Despair, each individually sleeved and presented in a decorative archive box.*
This set contains portraits of the 18 Primarchs, plus one of Horus Ascended and one of their father, the Emperor of Mankind.
All of these products are available to pre-order now on the Warhammer webstore.
* These products have been delayed in Australia and New Zealand.
** These products have been delayed in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.