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Kill Team: Blood and Zeal – How the latest expansion set changes the game

Kill Team: Blood and Zeal will soon be upon us, and the workers and servitors of Volkus toil ceaselessly to prepare the Great Gun for its next barrage. Every colossal round is blessed thrice as the components are transported, assembled and loaded. A suitable target has been acquired: an asteroid infested by Orks, part of the remains of the moon of Cobolth. 

As the Day of Firing approaches, the game of Kill Team is evolving. Here’s Tom from the Design Team to explain how.

Blood and Zeal Mission Pack and Card Decks

Kill Team: Blood and Zeal is the forthcoming expansion to the latest edition of Kill Team, and alongside two new factions – the Sanctifiers and the Goremongers – it comes with an exclusive deck of 32 cards divided into Zeal and Blood categories, which make up part of the Blood and Zeal Mission Pack.

The Zeal cards represent powers of protection, ability and guidance, with effects including healing, reducing the damage of attacks and cheating death. The Blood cards represent aggression and bloodlust, with effects adding +D3 damage, +1” to movement (including Charge), and double Fight and Shoot actions. 

Players can draw cards from either deck, both in each Strategy phase and whenever your opponent scores VPs. Play the cards when they specify, and in a moment of need these divine powers can change the course of the game. 

At the end of the game, the player who played the most of each type of card also gains an additional VP, so this mission pack provides a completely new experience –- and it can be played with any kill team. Perhaps one deck applies more thematically to certain teams than to others, but it makes for an intriguing new Kill Team experience. 

The Shrine Statue 

The shrine statue is an epic centerpiece for your Volkus killzone – and a focal point for supernatural power. When playing the Blood and Zeal Mission Pack, your operatives can perform two new actions when controlling the statue: Praise/Blaspheme allows you to remove cards from your hand or discard pile to draw a new one. Hallow/Defile allows you to draw a new card into your hand. Controlling the statute therefore grants a player great advantage in the struggle for religious inspiration.

Kill Team Mission Packs

Blood and Zeal is not where this ends. You will find a new Kill Team Mission Pack in each Battle Box. In Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning, for instance, the Volkus Compound Mission Pack was tied to the Compound Siege Killzone Upgrade, allowing kill teams to face off in deadly attacker/defender scenarios. One side lays defences and traps to hold their compound against assault, while the other launches a surprise raid on the enemy base. This Killzone Upgrade is available for pre-order at the weekend, and the rules will be made available for free shortly, on Kill Team: The App and the Warhammer Community Kill Team downloads page.

Each new mission pack will be thematic and exciting, and you will be able to play them with any team. They will provide completely new ways to play, including new components. This might mean plastic terrain, additional card decks, and even models from Warhammer 40,000 used in specific missions as unique NPO* enemies. We plan to expand on head-to-head, co-op and solo play, too, so each new Battle Box will add further new ways to play. 

Kill Team: Blood and Zeal goes up for pre-order this Saturday. It’s the only place you’ll be able to get hold of the Blood and Zeal Mission Pack.

* Non-Player Operatives.

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