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  • Warhammer 40,000 Metawatch – Dispatch From the Las Vegas Open

Warhammer 40,000 Metawatch – Dispatch From the Las Vegas Open

One of the first major tournaments of 2023 took place in Las Vegas last weekend, attracting players from across the world. Of course, members of the Warhammer 40,000 Studio have kept a close eye on how things went down.

It was an incredible turnout, with 950 players in contention and a wide variety of factions represented. We’ve now had a chance to digest the results, and studio lead Stu is back with all the analysis in another in-depth video.

He discusses all the results from the tournament, including the mysterious Shadow Round, as well as the wider world of Matched Play – notably the impact of the new competitive season laid out in the Arks of Omen: Grand Tournament Mission Pack. Check it out below.

Ultimately, Jack Harpster proved the victor at LVO, playing as the Blood Angels with a winged force of Sanguinary Guard. This is his all-conquering list:

40kMetawatch Feb3 BAList

LVO is the biggest single tournament of the year so far, but there are other massive events on their way, including AdeptiCon,* NOVA, and the US Open Series in America, and Warhammer Fest and the London GT in the UK. Not to mention the World Championships of Warhammer later in the year. It’s shaping up to be a massive year for Warhammer 40,000. Don’t miss out!

* AdeptiCon will be your first chance to grab this year’s stunning event-exclusive miniatures.

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