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The Big Debate – What colour should you paint your base rims?

There’s always something to get excited about with Warhammer, whether that’s the dramatic arrival of the fourth Daemon Primarch of Chaos and his filigreed followers, or the exhumation of long-dead champions in service of sinister vampires. So naturally, here at Warhammer Community, we’re fixated on… what the correct colour to paint your base rims should be. 

The Big Debate is back! Last time we were arguing about whether or not you needed to drill barrels, and today we’re chipping in with opinions on the last but perhaps most important part of painting a miniature.

Luke: Steel Legion Drab has been king for years in the ‘Eavy Metal studio, though I prefer my base rims painted with a simple black. It's understated, doesn’t grab your attention, and helps frame basing schemes of all types, whether you’re ranking up your armies on blood-stained mud or verdant green meadows.

Ideally your eye should be focused on anything but the rim – don’t let a chamfered edge steal attention from your warrior! I’m personally partial to Corvus Black (steady on, that’s almost a colour) but Abaddon Black also works. If you’re a fan of vibrant, eye-searing base rims, all I can say is I wish you well.

Rob: In a spectacular case of ‘do as I say, not as I do’, I’m all in favour of painting the base rim to match the base itself. White rims might seem garish, but they fit nicely with a bright snow-dusted landscape, while a rough and muddy battlefield looks all the more oppressive if the brown goes all the way down. The base is an often-overlooked element that can enhance the overall miniature with both complementary and contrasting colours, and there’s no reason why the rim shouldn’t be part of that.

Ok, yes, I do paint mine black too, though that’s more out of practicality than artistic merit – black base rims are more resistant to being scuffed and I move my miniatures around a lot. Were I painting them as display pieces, or had the brainpower to actually apply varnish when I’m so close to the finishing post, I’d like to think I’d give them a splash of colour.

Andy: As a hobbyist of a certain vintage, I’ll always view the correct base rim colour as Goblin Green. Back in the days of 3rd and 4th edition Warhammer 40,000, the grimmest, darkest armies would battle each other across lush fields of flock. Even gangs fighting in the desolate artificial slums of the Necromundan underhive would seek out perfectly manicured lawns over which to resolve their disputes.

Alas, Goblin Green has long been consigned to the history books, but fans of retro colour schemes can achieve similar effects with Warboss Green. Our pals in the Warhammer TV team show you how:

You can find loads of tips for your own bases on the Warhammer Youtube channel, and see if black or colourful rims work for you.

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