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  • Plastic Arachni-rigs Bound Across the Ash Wastes in the Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

Plastic Arachni-rigs Bound Across the Ash Wastes in the Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan

As the underhive descends into anarchy and rolling battles tear across the ash wastes, the pages of history turn once more. In the wake of cataclysm and crusade, the Aranthian Succession enters its next chapter – bringing with it new rules, lore, and miniatures.

In Necromunda: The Aranthian Succession – Ruins of Jardlan, the seven Noble Houses are in disarray. The power vacuum created by the attempted assassination of Lord Gerontius Helmawr has the great and the bad of Necromunda in an almighty struggle to reach the top of Hive Primus – though many just want to save their own skin as the fighting fiercens. 

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In the previous instalment, Vaults of Temenos, a mighty pilgrimage lead by a mysterious prophet besieged a hive, while the enigmatic Ozostium awoke from a long slumber with his mind set on the throne, and Lady Haera made a break to safety with the help of the Palanite Enforcers.

The Succession Campaign Part 3 – Fall of Helmawr follows on from this, introducing new vehicles and equipment for House Van Saar, the Palanite Enforcers, and the Ironhead Squat Prospectors, as well as four new Dramatis Personae.

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The Van Saar have plumbed the vaults for a nimble upgrade to their Arachni-rigs. This new variant – available in plastic – is designed for prowling wasteland outposts and broken terrain. 

Also known as Arachnika Ash-jumpers, these mechanical exosuits are fitted with powerful jump boosters to fire them through the air in great leaps and bounds.* They also sport an adjusted loadout, swapping out two servo-arms for a flamer and harpoon launcher.

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This burst of speed helps the Van Saar traverse the ash wastes and keep up with their grav-cutter riding Neoteks, who have also had some tweaks to suit the dunes of Necromunda.**

A new power for the Ash Waste Nomads throws off her cloak – Asun’ghar, the Lady of Ash. The Lady of Ash is an influential spirit speaker, regarded as a living embodiment of the scavenger creatures who inhabit the wasteland. Hivers know little about her for certain, but she seems to display an almost psychic bond with beasts – such as her grapplehawk familiar, Terror’s Shadow.

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Rounding things out for today is the Necromunda Ash Wastes Outpost terrain box, which bundles a Thatos Pattern Hab Module and an Extended Hab Module with three platforms and four walkways. This supremely modular kit can be assembled in all sorts of different ways – it’s the perfect basis for your scuffles out in the wastes.

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Warhammer Community has its best agents dotted around Necromunda reporting on the latest happenings. We’ll have news on the vehicles coming for the Palanite Enforcers and Ironhead Squad Prospectors before long, among another surprise or two… 

* Because gigantic arachnoid robots clambering over terrain clearly weren’t nightmarish enough…

** Not least to make it hard for them to fall off!

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