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Nine Amazing Moments from the Incredible Warhammer Age of Sigmar Cinematic Trailer

The incredible trailer for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar has only just been unveiled at AdeptiCon, and we’ve watched it at least 13 times since then.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you owe yourself to take a few minutes to sit back and bask in the majesty of it all.

It’s a suitably epic introduction to the next edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and we’ve picked a few of the coolest moments and favourite details for a closer look.

Reforged Untold Times


Each time our protagonist is reforged, she’s again sent into the breach. Her armour also changes each time – from the hefty plate of the original Liberator to the clean lines of Thunderstrike armour, and finally… something new.

Countless Enemies


You might recognise the ethereal Nighthaunt and malicious Kruleboyz from the Soul Wars and Dominion launch boxes. Our protagonist looks a little bit over it when that Gutrippa stabs her in the back.

Sigmar Stealing from Nagash


Nagash believes every soul in the Mortal Realms belongs to him – he even waged the Soul Wars to prove it. What a shock it still must be when a worthy warrior is snatched from his clammy hands in a flash of azure.

Life is Tough in the Mortal Realms

Aqshy is the Realm of Fire, with soot-choked skies and mountains covered in rashes of angry volcanoes. It is one of eight realms that make up the Mortal Realms, the setting of the Age of Sigmar, and it’s a tough place to call home – but it is home to many nonetheless. Those boils of green energy bubbling beneath the sea weren’t in the sightseeing book though…

An Avalanche of Rats


The Skaven sub-realm Blight City has erupted into the Realm of Aqshy with the calamitous clang of innumerable bells. As it stands, the emerald glow of warpstone contrasting against the rich reds of Aqshy, a teeming horde of rats spills out straight towards the nearest mortal settlement. Let’s hope they have some decent ratcatchers in town.

Skaven Weapons and Unfriendly Fire


The engineers of Clans Skyre are unhinged mechanical maestros dedicated to the creation of death-dealing weaponry powered by warpstone like this brand-new mechanised monstrosity. As terrifying as these weapons are, the Skaven are rarely concerned about catching their kin in the crossfire… or under their wheels.

Death From Above


Those flying warriors with glowing spears, circular shields, and blazing wings look suspiciously familiar as they descend from on high to take out some gun-toting Skaven. Watch out for one unlucky gunner thudding unceremoniously to the ground in the next scene.

Live to Fight-Battle Another Day


Skaven are naturally cowardly and duplicitous, but when enough of them get together, they embolden one another and become a frenzied tide of carnage. These inhuman horrors may outnumber the Stormcast Eternals, but those old Skaven instincts kick in as soon as the Clawlord loses its mount to a bone-crushing shield slam. The Stormcast Eternals don’t run, but are zapped back to Azyr when they meet their demise.

The New Stormcast Eternals are Seriously Tough


Sigmar may have lied about the cost of immortality, but the benefits are clear to see. Whether shrugging off a gout of searing warpflame or marching into a ruinous environment where their allies can’t follow, these Stormcast Eternals may be on the cusp of losing their humanity, but their loss has rendered them tougher than ever before. Their celestial eyes aren’t half eerie, though.

We’re sure you have your own favourite moments, so get on Facebook and Twitter to let us know what you liked best. Sign up to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar email for the latest news about the new edition as it happens, and check out the rest of the reveals from AdeptiCon via the button below.

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