One of the most highly anticipated sections of the Quest of the Ringbearer is that of the Fantasy Fellowship. This enables players to create their own ‘what if’ Fellowships to undertake the quest to destroy the One Ring, using all of their favourite Heroes from Middle-earth. Miniatures designer and keen Middle-earth hobbyist Keith Robertson has been hard at work on his Fantasy Fellowship, so the team’s wordsmith Jay Clare caught up with him to find out exactly who he’s taking on the journey to Mount Doom, and why.

Jay Clare: So, what’s the idea behind your Fantasy Fellowship and who’s in it, Keith?
Keith Robertson: I wanted to have my Fellowship themed around the idea of what would have happened if the Elves had decided to take charge of the destruction of the One Ring, instead of trusting the likes of Dwarves and Men. It made sense to me that Frodo would still be the Ringbearer, but after that I decided to get as many Elves as I could into my Fellowship.

Galadriel has taken the place of Gandalf as the leader and magic user of the Fellowship, and Celeborn has taken the role of Aragorn. I liked the idea of having a Rivendell section in my Fellowship, and imagined that Elrond would probably send his best warriors and most trusted advisors to see the Ring destroyed. As such, I chose Glorfindel and Erestor to take the places of Legolas and Gimli. I also took Haldir, as he guides the Fellowship – but, as he dies, it felt right that he replaced Boromir!

For the other Hobbits, I wanted to take some different characters. Will Whitfoot is my Ringbearer’s companion, as I thought he could act as the Shire’s ambassador to the Elves. I also chose Baldo Tulpenny as he’s a more adventurous Hobbit, and Robin Smallburrow because he is good at finding shortcuts – both useful traits for such a quest!
Jay: I’m very fond of Elves, so I’m fully behind this idea! What Scenarios or key moments are you most looking forward to playing through with your Fellowship?
Keith: Well, one of the bits I’m most excited for is Galadriel taking on the Balrog. This interaction really appeals to me, and the idea of her being dragged into the depths of Moria only to return at Helm’s Deep feels awesome! It also has some interesting connotations for my Fellowship, as not only will Celeborn lose his love, but he will have to take up the mantle of leader following her presumed demise. This was such an arresting concept that I just had to do it.

I’m also looking forward to using Frodo, Will, Baldo, and Robin at Weathertop. I was fortunate enough to sculpt Will, Baldo, and Robin. When I was doing so, I found myself really getting into their background and adding extra details to the models, such as the extra sack of throwing stones for Baldo, or Will Whitfoot’s mayoral chain.

Also, the idea of Celeborn, Glorfindel, and Erestor jumping off the boats at the Docks of Harlond sounds like great fun. Three mighty Elven Heroes facing down a horde of Morannon Orcs before racing to the Pelennor to defend the White City – I can’t wait to play that Scenario!

Jay: Out of everyone in your Fellowship, which model did you enjoy painting the most?
Keith: Probably Will Whitfoot. I got the idea for the colour scheme when I was sculpting him, but until recently I’ve not had the chance to put paint to model. This gave me the excuse I’d been looking for to paint up Will just how I had imagined him.

Jay: So, how do you rate your Fantasy Fellowship’s chances of success?
Keith: I think they have a pretty good chance really! I have a number of highly-skilled Elven lords, perhaps the most powerful Elf in Galadriel, and a selection of Hobbits that each bring their own benefits. Though after Haldir falls at Amon Hen, I’ll be very short on shooting ability – I guess I’ll have to rely on Baldo’s expert stone-throwing from then on!

Jay: Finally, now that you’ve created a Fantasy Fellowship for The Lord of the Rings™, do you have any plans to put one together with characters from The Hobbit™?
Keith: Definitely, yes, though I still haven’t decided who to include yet!
Cheers, guys! Quest of the Ringbearer is available now. Who would you include in your Fantasy Fellowship? Let us know on the Warhammer Official Facebook page!