Chaos permeates the Old World, and the lands of Men, Dwarves and Elves must contend with an evil that lurks perilously close – the Beastmen Brayherds. These foul creatures make their homes in the dark forests, sacking and raiding without rhyme or reason.

They are anathema to the insular Wood Elf Realms, who are on a war footing to combat the spreading corruption. As the woods echo with the sounds of war, both factions spill from the tangled thickets with a mountain of returning kits for good and for evil.
Beastmen Brayherds Battalion and Arcane Journal
Bring the anarchy with a Battalion box full of braying beasts ready to tear their foes limb from limb. This box contains 61 miniatures – a huge horde of 30 lowly Ungors and 30 savage Gors, plus a towering Cygor or Ghorgon, and two sets of new Beastmen Brayherds transfer sheets comprising 204 transfers each.

Give yourself up to the cloven ones with Arcane Journal: Beastmen Brayherds, the 48-page guide to the horned herds of the Old World. It contains background on the culture of the Brayherds including their language, as well as rules for two Armies of Infamy – the primal Wild Herds and the all-devouring Minotaur Blood Herds. There are also rules for special characters, units, magic items and the Lore of Primal Magic. As ever, it will be accompanied by a Dice Set and a Reference Card Pack.

The endless hordes are supplemented by a large number of returning kits in both plastic and metal, from callous champions to degenerate monsters.
Returning plastic miniatures

Shamans and Chieftains whip the Brayherds into a killing frenzy, controlling the chaotic masses either through mastery of magic or a hierarchy forged in the blood.
Beastmen of all sizes make up the foul hosts, from the pernicious Ungors that swarm as skirmishers, through the bloodthirsty Gors to the savage and superior Bestigors. Minotaurs are bigger yet, with a lust for blood and flesh that sends them into an unstoppable battle-frenzy. At the top of the food chain are the mutated Ghorgons and the cyclopean, wizard-eating Cygors.
Returning resin miniatures
We have already seen the blind prophet Kralmaw, one of the prime movers behind the resurgent beastmen, but there are plenty of resin miniatures returning to the range.
The menagerie of vile creatures threaten even the most advanced armies of the Old World. Doombulls are the largest and most blood-greedy of their kind, stomping into battle alongside the twisted Cockatrice, the noisome Jabberslythe, and the hideous Preyton – once great stags of the forest corrupted by the foul magics of the Brayshamans. These have all been sensitively remastered for the new era by the Miniatures Team, and will be released in gorgeous, supple Forge World resin rather than Finecast.
Returning metal miniatures
Wherever civilisation stands, there will be foul creatures to tear it down. These venerable beasts returning in metal include a pair of Chieftains, a pair of Shamans and the Wargor Battle Standard Bearer. The twisted and nomadic Centigor clans are led by the violent Centigor Lord and the infamous Ghorros Warhoof, known as the Sire of a Thousand Young.

More inhumanly strong Centigors are returning in the form of Herd and Herd Command, alongside the Razorgor and the Tuskgor Chariots.
Though the Brayherds are a pressing concern to all in the Old World, the Wood Elf Realms are particularly incensed by their desecration of the sacred forests they call home. The warhorns have been sounded.
Wood Elf Realms Battalion and Arcane Journal
Begin the fightback with a Battalion box containing 62 miniatures ready to lay their lives on the line for Athel Loren. There are 32 Glade Guard, expert archers with Asrai longbows, to form a dependable core, while 20 Wild Rangers provide melee backbone, and 10 Wild Riders deliver swift punishment.
All of these miniatures have alternate builds: Deepwood Scouts, Eternal Guard, and Sisters of the Thorn respectively, making this an extremely flexible box befitting such mercurial forest-dwellers. You also get two new Wood Elf realms transfer sheets, each comprising 186 transfers.

Stalwart defenders of the wooded realms will want to leaf through a copy of Arcane Journal: Wood Elf Reams for detailed background on the Everwood and its capricious inhabitants. This 48-page book also contains rules and background for Orion, the King in the Woods and Araloth, the Lord of Talsyn, as well as Armies of Infamy for both.
You also get your usual roster of unit profiles, spells from the Lore of the Wilds, and magic items, as well as rules for Wood Elf Kindreds – new upgrades for your Wood Elf Characters that provide additional benefits.

Naturally, there are many more troops returning in metal and plastic
Returning plastic miniatures
The infamous Araloth returns in plastic, alongside separate sets for each of the units featured in the battalion. The Lord of Talsyn is a mighty hero most at home in the thick of combat, shoulder to shoulder with his Eternal Guard.
The bulk of the Wood Elf forces are covered by these plastic dual kits, but many treats for longer-term fans are returning in metal.
Returning metal miniatures
Orion is the King in the Woods, the Consort-king of Athel Loren, and paramour of the Mage Queen Ariel. He is the inescapable wrath of the forest, calling upon the Asrai to join him in the Wild Hunt, abandoning civilisation for the sheer thrill of killing. The defense of the forests otherwise falls to the Nobles, who are required by oath to keep their domains free of intruders, and who ride out on Elven Steeds, Stags, Great Eagles, and even serpentine Forest Dragons to fulfil their duty.
These Lords are supported in all matters by powerful Mages who draw on the verdant energy of the deep woods. When their forests are threatened by truly dire circumstances, the Branchwaiths may be roused into action, while Waystalkers range far and wide to detect trespassers.

The rest of the forest comes alive as the Treeking, Treeman and Warhawk Riders break cover alongside the roving Watchers. The Wardancer Troupe and Wardancer Command set meanwhile call upon the trickster god Loec with their beguiling and befuddling moves.

Finally, there’s some real treasure to cap off the release – the Beast Pack is a set of 12 miniatures first released in 1987, who have long lurked in the deepest thickets of the Old World. These are four elves and their accompanying beasts who have been hidden in the forest so long that they’ve escaped photography – for now.
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