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  • Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning – Ork Wrecka Krews bring hammers to a rokkit fight

Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning – Ork Wrecka Krews bring hammers to a rokkit fight

The T’au assault on Volkus and its Great Gun has drawn Imperial forces away from the enormous ring-shaped Hive Fissilicus, and even as kill teams of Tempestus Aquilons duelled with Vespid Stingwings in the ruined slums beneath the Massif Ballistus, covetous eyes watched from beyond the planet’s surface. The Ork warlord Big Mek Nuzgott had long desired the awesome power of ‘da Moonsplitta’* for himself, and with its defenders now occupied, he unleashed his piratical clans.

Although most of the roks launched from Nuzgott’s asteroid base either exploded in transit or crashed far off-course, one came down in the Undermuzzle Barrens – a ring of settlements and light fortifications surrounding Hive Fissilicus. This put Orks perilously close to a station connecting the surrounding foundries with the base of the Great Gun itself, and Nuzgott has sent his best to take it: the Wrecka Krews.

Formed by an ad-hoc alliance of Tankbustas and Breaka Boyz, Wrecka Krews are compact teams of elite Orks bent on explosive destruction with powerful (if inaccurate) rokkit launchas, brutal pneumatic knucklebustas, and tankhammers with explosive heads that can be as lethal to their operator as they are to the enemy. They are bound more by competition than co-operation: while the Tankbustas obsess over the biggest, flashiest targets the Breaka Boyz regard them as kill-stealing cheaters. 

The Wreckas’ ability to smash straight through walls makes them shockingly good operatives for missions where speed is more important than stealth, especially in the ruined cityscapes on Volkus. Breaka Boy Fighters – of whom you can take up to five – can all knock holes in terrain with their smash hammers.

Wrecka Krews crank the aggression up to the maximum, moving faster and fighting harder as the din of battle roars around them. Their Wrecka Rampage faction ability feeds off their critical successes to turn misses into hits, ensuring even the most shoddily aimed rokkit can find its mark.

Should a Wrecka score a kill, the rush of adrenaline gets them all Tanked Up, surging forward in search of fresh prey – or on rare enlightened occasions, actually sticking to the objective.

Their Strategic and Tactical Ploys are similarly direct, uncomplicated, and effective, providing the Wrecka Krew with a variety of offensive and defensive boons. They aren’t completely devoid of cunning, however, and earmarking a target for a Demolition Job gives all operatives a free Wrecka Point to spend when attacking anything nearby.

Will all of these destructive proclivities prove enough to dislodge the entrenched Ratlings charged with defending the Undermuzzle Barrens? Join us again and find out later this week as we settle down with our diminutive marksmen and find out what’s what.

* So named because a previous Ork invasion of Volkus’ moon had been soundly defeated when the Massif Ballistus simply annihilated it in a single volley.

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