As the Horus Heresy ground on and the influence of Primordial Annihilator swept over the Traitor hordes, the Primarchs who followed the Warmaster into his madness began to warp and change. Fulgrim earned his new Transfigured form during the events of Angel Exterminatus, but for the master of the World Eaters, it wasn’t his decision to become infused with the bloodthirsty madness of Lord of Slaughter. It was, as with many things during the Heresy, all Lorgar’s doing.*
Angron’s next appearance on the front lines was as a radically changed being, infused with daemonic strength and all-encompassing rage. A being that is now joining the Age of Darkness with a glorious new miniature.

Angron Transfigured represents the Primarch in the closing months of the Horus Heresy, fully in the grip of the Blood God and ready for his fateful duel with Sanguinius before the Eternity Gate. This monstrous resin miniature is dripping with sharp details from the ragged, battle-worn wings on his back to the many chains and skulls hanging about his person.
Unusually for a Primarch, his weapons hold no names nor special provenance, as Angron cared little for what he killed with – so long as he killed. Known simply as the Blades of the Red Angel, they are nonetheless just as vicious and mutated as their owner.

Angron was a solitary figure consumed with rage who, when not holding them in contempt, was utterly indifferent to his Legion. There were a handful of people he held in high regard, including the iron-willed mistress of his flagship The Conquerer – Lotara Sarrin.

Lotara is everything the Primarch is not – calm, level-headed, and respected by the World Eaters. Her expertise in void warfare earned her the captaincy of The Conqueror and a prominent place among the XII Legion, where both Angron and his equerry Khârn afforded her uncommon respect – largely due to her complete refusal to be cowed by the superhuman killers prowling her ship.
Such is her talent and influence that some whisper her coordination is responsible for many of the World Eaters’ later victories… though a claim none would dare make in their presence. As a dedicated bridge officer, Lotara is only passingly skilled with a blade despite being trained by Khârn himself, and carries a power sword he named the Conqueror’s Bite** out of ceremony rather than practicality.
Both miniatures will receive rules as a digital download closer to release, and while Angron is every bit the combat monster you’d expect, Lotara is at her best in Zone Mortalis missions – which is not to say you can’t have her charge the walls of the Imperial Palace in your next game, but… well, we’ll leave her ire to you.
* You can find out how it happened in Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden.
** A name Lotara hates, having much the same disdain of naming swords as Angron.