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  • White Dwarf 508 – Break the siege on Lethis and prepare for more daring solo Kill Team missions

White Dwarf 508 – Break the siege on Lethis and prepare for more daring solo Kill Team missions

We’re heading into 2025, which means another year full of fantastic Warhammer releases, with Death Korps of Krieg, the enigmatic Aeldari, and maniacal Gloomspite Gitz all getting ready to make their mark. Through it all, you’ll be accompanied by White Dwarf, the official Warhammer magazine. Here’s what’s coming in the first issue of the year.

The headline story in January is the latest chapter of Flashpoint Lethis, as the City of Ravens tries to withstand the force of the Petrifex Elite. In this third and final instalment you can learn about this dark hour for Lethis, and play the siege yourself. You can also look forward to a gallery of amazing Daughters of Khaine armies, alongside the first battle report for the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds.

Over in the 41st Millennium, there are rules for two new Combat Patrols ready to duke it out. Strike Platoon Gorgonne VI brings the best of the best together by combining two squads of Tempestus Scions with a fast and hard-hitting Taurox Prime and a Command Squad

Outcast Necrons afflicted with the flayer curse band together in the Mindflenser’s Murder Court. This cheerily named delegation comprises two units of Flayed Ones, two units of Ophydian Destroyers, and a Psychomancer with a complement of Immortals as a bodyguard.

There’s also more information about the weapon world of Volkus and the Massif Ballistus to take in, as well as full rules for a player vs. environment solo mini-campain for Kill Team thanks to The Bunker. In the Shrine World NPO Joint Ops Missions you’ll attempt to discover important relics while battling with a nefarious Chaos Cult who are attempting to stop you from finding the artefacts and getting them off world.

As ever, that’s just the beginning, as White Dwarf’s intrepid editor investigates a Blood Bowl tournament from the pitch itself, Warhammer: The Old World gets a double showing with an ’Eavy Metal article on painting dwarfs, there’s a showcase of four armies from studio staff, and you can tuck into the next instalment of Astra Militarum serial Tatters of Hope by William Crowe.

You can pre-order your copy on the 4th of January, but if you sign up for a 12-month subscription instead, you’ll get special full-art cover issues delivered right to your door – while saving money compared with buying them individually!

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