We’re getting pretty pumped up for the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy here at Warhammer Community – as you might have noticed from our daily articles exploring the Legiones Astartes, like the imposing Dark Angels, the terrifying Night Lords, the inspiring Blood Angels, and all the other Legions without wings.
We’re not the only ones racing to pick a side – a few Saturdays ago we revealed all the juicy details of the new Age of Darkness boxed set, and were joined at Warhammer World by a whole Legion of well-known Warhammer hobbyists from across the globe. These social media Centurions were just as excited to try out the new edition as we were, so we took a moment to pick their brains and find out who they’ll be fighting with.
Everyone had their own story about how they first discovered the dark days of the Horus Heresy, what made it so exciting, and why they’re buzzing for the new edition. Rather than listen to us, why not hear it from them?
This wasn’t just a weekend of kicking back and playing games, though – those Legions aren’t going to paint themselves. Some great painters from the Warhammer hobby community put their brushes to work in an effort to muster the finest gathering of Space Marines since the Triumph at Ullanor.

Are you excited to enter the Age of Darkness? Join the hype on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, and make sure you sign up for the newsletter to get all of the latest Horus Heresy reveals beamed straight to your personal astropath.*
* Or email inbox, if you don’t have a choir of psychics available.