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The Full Might and Majesty of the Seraphon is Revealed

After a slow trickle of saurian standards, scorching artillery, and skink seers emerging from the spawning pools, the prehistoric patience of the Slann Starmasters has run out. Now is the time of scale and fang, celestial magics, and cold-blooded might. 

Just as prophesied by the Old Ones, the Seraphon will come to dominate the Mortal Realms.

Battletome: Seraphon brings with it a mighty host of lethal reptilian warriors. Let’s begin with some Saurus Warriors riding terrifying new mounts.

Aggradon Lancers

The primal howl of Ghur’s rage has hatched ancient eggs held long-dormant in the sacred ziggurats of Itzl. The powerful aggradons are vicious beasts that only the toughest of saurus can tame. 

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These thundering shock cavalry can break through the sturdiest enemy lines, tearing into their terrified foes with foul-tempered drooling bloodlust where other cavalry would get bogged down.

Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon

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These lances of lizards are led by prodigiously skilled Scar-Veterans mounted on aggradons. The most violent beasts require a truly formidable rider – and such warriors master their mounts with a single-minded dedication to the Old Ones. 

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Lacking the truly vast experience of the ancient Oldbloods, Scar-Veterans are nevertheless ruthless commanders who understand how to harness the natural ferocity of aggradon and saurus alike.


Saurus Warriors might have been working out, but the new Kroxigor are absolutely yoked. Their hulking forms tower above the skinks who often accompany them into combat, where they pulverise foes with drakebite mauls and colossal moonstone hammers.

Kroxigor Warspawned

Kroxigor Warspawned are a spawn-breed marked by the wrathful god Sotek. Once a rare sight, the Era of the Beast has seen the arrival of more and more Warspawned – battle-bred brutes who are barely functional outside of combat, requiring skink attendants to clean and feed them. Should anyone lay a finger on their devoted assistants, these crocodilian killers fly into an apoplectic rage.

Seraphon Army Set

You’ll be able to get your first taste of the new Seraphon with an army set, which contains a Slaan Starmaster, 10 Saurus Warriors, five Raptadon Chargers and five Raptadon Hunters – though you could build two units of either variety!

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You’ll also get a special edition battletome with its own cover art, a pack of warscroll cards featuring every Seraphon unit in the new battletome, and a set of 52 enhancement cards to help you execute the Old Ones’ plan with impunity. 

This treasure trove of tooth and claw will be coalescing before the rest of the range, giving your first taste of Seraphon supremacy.

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It’s not too long to wait before the spawning pools are at maximum capacity and cosmic reinforcements arrive. Battletome: Seraphon will be along in the summer, after two new battletomes for Grand Alliance Death. We may even hear a whisper of these upon the Shyshian wind soon.

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