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  • Abandon Ship! Kin and Beastmen Flee the Death of a Space Hulk in Kill Team: Gallowfall

Abandon Ship! Kin and Beastmen Flee the Death of a Space Hulk in Kill Team: Gallowfall

The Gallowdark is doomed. After millennia drifting listlessly through the galaxy, this space hulk is finally on a collision course with an unlucky planet – and neither gods nor mortals can prevent its inevitable demise. 

All of which means your kill teams should probably start making themselves scarce. That’s exactly the plan for the Leagues of Votann hulk-delvers in Kill Team: Gallowfall… They’re just, you know, grabbing a few souvenirs on the way out.

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Hearthkyn Salvager kill teams are masters at the art of recovering prized artifacts and locating precious resources in the depths of hulks and wrecks. They are scouts and explorers foremost, trained to identify items of value, extract as much as possible, and survive – all before clocking out.

Each salvager is a hardened warrior, well-acquainted with the dangers of space hulk exploration, and the team also carries a wide assortment of survey equipment to help identify cost-efficient targets. The advanced Ironkin intelligence of the Kognitâar receives and processes tactical data at an astonishing rate, while Luggers employ less technological means to haul spare gear around the killzone.

They’ll need every advantage they can get, for within the Gallowdark lurk strange cryptids and mutant tribes forgotten to the wider galaxy. Enclaves of Chaos-worshipping Beastmen dwell in barren outlands, shadowy underhives, and echoing space hulks – and even among these savage abhumans, Fellgor Ravager kill teams are the most ferocious hunters to be found.

Loathed by the Imperium as a distortion of the sacred human form, Beastmen blend animal strength with embittered intelligence and razor-sharp cunning. The tribes aboard the Gallowdark are practically natives to the ancient space hulk, and their kill teams make excellent use of its scavenged technology – from the bionic Gnarlscar to the chem-tossing Toxhorn. 

Six new missions detail the final salvage efforts of kill teams still aboard – rooting through new medical bay and stasis chamber terrain features for valuable loot – while three more revolve around the exciting last-ditch scramble for the escape pods.

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This action-packed box set is the last chapter of Kill Team’s Gallowdark season, and sees our intrepid operatives off with an almighty bang. We’ll have more on Gallowfall as we get closer to release, so for now head back to the Warhammer Preview Online hub and check out everything else that’s been revealed today.

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