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  • Alpha Legion Upgrades Let You Pledge the Hydra to Horus/The Emperor/Other (Delete As Appropriate)

Alpha Legion Upgrades Let You Pledge the Hydra to Horus/The Emperor/Other (Delete As Appropriate)

One of the major problems with the Alpha Legion – for allies and enemies alike – is that you never know who is and isn’t one of the Hydra’s fangs.* These masters of deception are almost impossible to pin down, and before you know it the friend you’ve known since childhood turns out to be Alpharius himself, sticking a spear in your back.

When the XX Legion do reveal their livery, though? It’s a sight to behold. That’s no cause for comfort, because it means they want you to know who they are, but at least you can rest easy knowing you were killed by some slick-looking Space Marines.

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Mark VI armour may be named for Corvus Corax, but it’s an ideal fit for the stealthy operations undertaken by the sons of Alpharius. More than a few suits were pinched from Loyalist armouries before the Heresy even began, and customised to suit the Alpha Legion’s needs. The most ostentatious details are carefully concealed, only to be unveiled when the serpent has already struck.

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The serpentine iconography evokes the Legion’s adoption of the hydra as a symbol of their protean ways, reforming after every setback and returning with more teeth than before. Bladed, scale-like ornamentation adds a sinister Helac aesthetic to the sleek lines of your beaked helms.

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The writhing, multi-headed logo of the Alpha Legion adorns their sculpted shoulder pads – perfect for anyone who balked at painting this intricate insignia with freehand alone. Spruce up your MKVI Tactical Squads, sprinkle in other upgrade parts, and your slippery soldiers will be ready to be fielded as any number of unit types found in Liber Hereticus – Traitor Legiones Army Book.

There’s still one more Legion waiting for its day in the beakie spotlight… but next week’s slot has been usurped by a shadowy figure who bears more than a passing resemblance to today’s newcomers. Come back on Thursday for more reveals from Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and sign up to our newsletter so you don’t miss a single transmission from the front.

* We can’t all be honest, upstanding heroes like last month’s Salamanders.

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