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Warhammer Miniature of the Year 2024 – Who won?

You’ve voted in your droves – and the winners of this year’s Warhammer Miniature of the Year 2024 have been decided. There are three categories this year: Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and the Best of the Rest – giving you the opportunity to champion your favourites more freely than ever.

Two Chapters were reinforced in Warhammer 40,000 this year, while the T’au Empire deployed its auxiliaries in force.

The psychotic Heretics of the Night Lords definitely did not point an array of extremely sharp implements at us while we put this list together, and no freshly flayed skin had any impact on the final standings. In short, you voted for the Night Lords Nemesis Claw, which brings one of the most brutal and fearsome Legions to life with gruesome detail.

The top five continues off a little more wholesomely, with the Provisionally Prepared diorama reminding us all that a full stomach is as important as a full magazine. The Inner Circle Companions and Asmodai, Master of Repentance represented the Dark Angels, while Celestian Sacresant Aveline took the fourth spot in a fleur-de-lys shaped blaze of glory. 

Rounding out the top 10 were the Deathwing Knights, the Vespid Stingwings, the Ork Big Mek, da Red Gobbo’s A-bomb-inable Snowman, and Blood Angels Chaplain Lemartes.

Big things occurred in the Mortal Realms all year: the Dawnbringers series rounded out one edition and Skaventide rang in the next with the dolorous chiming of brass bells.

Ushoran proved his worth as the epicentre of the sickly Flesh-eater Courts, and the glorious visage of the Summerking takes his rightful place at the top of the pile, with no delusion needed.

It’s no wonder that Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat picked up second place, after a Skaven plan actually came together. Chaos put in a great showing with votes for Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen and the Chaos Sorcerer Lord, while the sole light for Order shines through with Grombrindal, the White Dwarf in fourth.

The top 10 was rounded out with new Rat Ogors, Marshal Ashfield & Squire Udo, Krethusa the Croneseer, the Steel Rook, and Tornus the Redeemed.

The final category gave miniatures that aren’t a part of the main Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40,000 settings a chance to shine – and it’s no surprise that the osseous centrepiece launched at the dawn of Warhammer: The Old World took the top spot. The Tomb King/Liche Priest on Necrolith Bone Dragon lumbered into pole position, heralding the return of a cherished setting.

The Old World continued to delight with the numinous Lady Élisse Duchaard, but there were votes aplenty for Necromunda and the Horus Heresy with the Thousand Sons Librarian Consul, Malstrain Alpha, and Alpha Legion Saboteur Consul all confidently placing in the top five.

The Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus came in sixth, followed by the Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team, the Dwarf Lords with Shieldbearers, the Malstrain Genestealer Abomination Gang, and the Questing Knight Paladin.

Many thanks to everyone who voted. With Fulgrim just revealed, Krieg incoming, the Aeldari returning with fresh Aspect Warriors and Phoenix Lords, and grots in thrall of the Glarefaced Frazzlegit joining the Gloomspite Gitz, 2025 is set to be an incredible year for new miniatures.