There’s an exciting new edition coming to Middle-earth soon, alongside a fearsome new boxed starter set – The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim™ – Battle of Edoras Starter Set.
It’s bursting with new miniatures, while the game has been reset with fully updated rules and plenty more to come. As with any new edition, the full range of miniatures and factions needs to be re-examined. This means some older miniatures are leaving the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game range – but all of them for good reasons.

Here’s the Design Studio with more: “This refresh concerns profiles rather than products. For example, we are removing the Knight of the White Tower profile from the game as no such unit ever appeared in the movies or the books and the Minas Tirith army already has a lot of profiles available. But, rather than removing the entire set it was sold in from sale (Minas Tirith Commanders), we have reformatted the set and will be rereleasing it without the Knight of the White Tower.
“We have also reviewed our factions and tried to boil them down to eras from the movies and books which we want to focus on. Therefore a few characters such as Bandobras Took and Golfimbul, who come from the books, have moved to Legacies.

“Most of these miniatures will be going off sale, and some have already been unavailable for a while, but they will still be receiving Legacies profiles so people with existing collections can continue to enjoy using those miniatures in their games. Certain miniatures are being rolled into different profiles, while a few are being removed from the game.
“Additionally, some characters once had access to shields, horses, and so on, but we never sold a model with those options, which have now been removed from the game.”
The Fallen Realms

Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Mahûd King
Mahûd Tribesmaster
Mahûd Warrior
Mahûd Raider
Half Trolls
Haradrim King
Golden King
Abrakhân Merchant Guard
Watchers of Kârna
Corsair Reavers
Khandish King
Khandish Chieftain
Khandish Warrior
Khandish Horsemen
Khandish Charioteer

Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
The Ringwraiths of Angmar
The Ringwraiths of the Fallen Realms
The Ringwraiths of the Lost Kingdoms
Black Guard of Barad Dûr
Morgul Stalkers
Kardûsh the Firecaller
Orc Tracker
Great Beast of Gorgoroth
Razgûsh, War Leader of the North
Muzgúr, Orc Shaman
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Morgul Knights become Black Númenórean Knights
The Witch-king of Angmar (separately)
Miniatures removed from the game
Shagrat (War Leader)
Gundabad and Dol Guldur
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Castellans of Dol Guldur
The Spider Queen
Miniatures removed from the game
Thranduil on Horse
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Thrydan Wolfsbane
Frída Tallspear
Gorûlf Ironskin
Dunlending Chieftain
Dunlending Huscarls
Dunlending Warriors
Dunlending Horsemen
Feral Uruk-hai
Profiles removed
Gríma Wormtongue on Horse
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
The Oathmaker (separately)

Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Knight of the White Tower
Anborn & Mablung
Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Minas Tirith Commanders (without the Knight of the White Tower)
Beregond (separately)
Misty Mountains
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Dweller in the Dark
Moria Blackshield Captain
Moria Blackshield Shaman
Moria Blackshield Drummers
Moria Blackshield Warrior
Warg Marauder
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Durbûrz and Drûzhag (as a pair)
Elven Kingdoms
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Elladan (Unarmoured)
Elrohir (Unarmoured)
Glorfindel (Unarmoured)
Gildor Inglorion
Profile removed
Elrond (Unarmoured)

Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Grimbold and Helmingas Command
Eorl the Young
Rohan Outriders
Son of Eorl
King's Huntsman
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Rohan Commanders (without the King’s Huntsman)
Dwarven Holds
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Murin & Drar
Balin the Dwarf, King of Moria
Flói Stonehand
King's Champion
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Dwarven Commanders (without the Shieldbearer)
Kingdoms of Men
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Rangers of the North
The Free Peoples
Miniatures removed from sale and entering Legacies
Bandobras Took
Miniatures renamed or repackaged
Birchseed (Quickbeam has been reassigned as ‘Birchseed’)
These models are now on Last Chance to Buy, and will be available while stocks last. Head over to to grab them while you can.