It’s the eve of the firing of the Great Gun and the Goremongers have arrived to cut a bloody swathe through Hive Fissilicus. Only the roaring zealots of the Sanctifers stand in their way. It’s about to get awfully aggressive in Kill Team as the new expansion arrives with a bang.

Kill Team: Blood and Zeal
A congregation of the most pious worshippers in the Imperium have gathered to celebrate the Day of Firing in the sprawling foundry district of Cascabael – but the Goremongers are eyeing up the procession as a juicy offering to the god of murder.
Kill Team: Blood and Zeal is the latest expansion for this tactical skirmish game, and it contains two completely new and equally zealous kill teams. The Sanctifiers wield fire and faith in lieu of firepower and armour, led by a pious Confessor and his Cherub at the head of 10 other true believers who can be be built as regular Preachers or specialists such as the Conflagrator, the Death Cult Assassin, and the Miraculist. Opposing them are the Goremongers, baying Khorne worshippers led by a Blood Herald who seek to emulate daemonic Bloodletters.

You’ll also get a huge Shrine statue terrain piece which works with the new missions in the 56-page Blood and Zeal Dossier. This includes background lore for the conflict and the kill teams themselves plus a new mission pack focused on divine intervention. There are also tokens and datacards for both kill teams, and a deck of cards for the mission pack.
Kill Team: Ratlings
Ratlings are renowned both for their appetites and their marksmanship. This box contains 10 Ratlings who can be built either as regular troopers or specialists like the Big Shot, Hardbit, Raider, Slashmaster and Vox-thief, as well as a Battlemutt and three tokens – two tripwires and an ammo cache. You also get a set of unique tokens for use in games of Kill Team.
Ratlings Datacards
Complete your Ratlings kill team with this set of deck of 38 quick-reference datasheet cards containing faction rules and equipment, unique ploys, operative rules, and other useful information. Datacard packs are optional, and all team rules will be available for free online on Warhammer Community and the Kill Team rules reference app.
Kill Team: Wrecka Krew
Orks revel in destruction of all kinds, and when long-range Tankbustas join up with Breaka Boyz, they become a bunker-busting Wrecka Krew. This set contains six Wrecka Krew miniatures which can be used in games of Kill Team or Warhammer 40,000, and which can be built as various specialists – including a Boss Nob, a Demolisha, a Krusha or a Rokkiteer, alongside two unlucky Bomb Squigs. The box includes a set of unique tokens for use in games of Kill Team and a transfer sheet comprising 438 decals.
Wrecka Krew Datacards
Complete your Wrecka Krew kill team with this set of deck of 33 quick-reference datasheet cards containing faction rules and equipment, unique ploys, operative rules, and other useful information. Datacard packs are optional, and all team rules will be available for free online on Warhammer Community and the Kill Team rules reference app.
Killzone Upgrade: Compound Siege
Switch up your Killzone Volkus battlefields with the Compound Siege upgrade set. It contains 14 plastic terrain pieces: two Bunkers, six Fire Steps, and six Stockades which are designed to be used with the Killzone: Volkus terrain. Rules for using the terrain and its associated mission pack will be available to download from Warhammer Community shortly after release.