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  • The Hive Mind Finds Clandestine New Ways To Eat Its Enemies with the Von Ryan’s Leaper

The Hive Mind Finds Clandestine New Ways To Eat Its Enemies with the Von Ryan’s Leaper

We thought the new Space Marines Lieutenant was stealthy, but he’s just the product of decades of training in the art of subterfuge. By comparison, a new creature unleashed by the Tyranids has been spawned and evolved to become one of the galaxy’s ultimate hunters.

The Hive Mind has numerous ways of waging war – overwhelming the foe with hordes of Termagants, melting bastions apart with the living artillery of the Tyrannofex, or by ambushing with more subtle fear-inducing organisms such as the Lictor. Added to this last list are the Von Ryan’s Leapers.* These creatures are the ultimate ambush predators, though they’re just as dangerous when jumping out from behind things that aren’t bushes.

Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile, and utterly lethal. When the time is right, they emerge to eviscerate their unfortunate enemies in a murderous fury. As ambush predators, they have much in common with Lictors, but rather than being lonewolves, these are pack-hunters.

40k Leapers Apr10 Details

There are still so many more of the Hive Mind’s latest designs to show you – sign up for our Tyranid-themed newsletter to get the shadow in the warp sent straight to your inbox. If you’d rather not end up as digested biomass, register for the Space Marines newsletter instead, and grab a unit of Aggressors, so you’re ready to use their flamestorm gauntlets to burn out all of those hidey-holes that Von Ryan’s Leapers call home.

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* Why are they called this? That’s a question for your local Magos Biologis – we don’t have the Inquisitorial clearance to let you know.

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