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  • The New Legions Imperialis Terrain Is the Perfect Backdrop for an Epic Throwdown

The New Legions Imperialis Terrain Is the Perfect Backdrop for an Epic Throwdown

There are many things to love about the upcoming Legions Imperialis game. The scale, the vastness of the battles, and the impressive tininess of the models are all high points. But what is all this grand conflict without a suitable backdrop? You’re going to need some terrain that looks just right alongside your epic scale Space Marines and Solar Auxilia. 

Legions Imperialis can be played wherever you have the space for a game, but the incredible detail packed into these diminutive detachments really deserves an equally impressive battlefield. Happily, there’s plenty of epic scale terrain to come – some of it returning from the Adeptus Titanicus range, and some of it completely new. 

LITerrain Jul26 Game

Let’s start with the new. The Civitas Imperialis City Road Tiles are fully sculpted, finely detailed plastic tiles that will transform a bare table into an immersive urban environment. These 12x12" squares fit together neatly to build Legions Imperialis battlefields for any game size. 

Each pack contains two straight roads, two T-junctions, and two crossroads, giving you plenty of different ways to arrange diverse road layouts. Combined with your other urban terrain, you can set up whole cities packed with deadly intersections, exposed highways, and very literal dead-end turns.

LITerrain Jul26 Boards

As flat tiles, they ensure that your larger miniatures will retain a stable footing – but besides these practical concerns, a sculpted plastic cityscape provides just the right backdrop for the earth-shaking footfalls of your god-engines and scurrying march of your mustered footsoldiers. 

Naturally, you’ll need some buildings to populate these boards, starting with the new plastic Civitas Imperialis Ruins. These impressively modular pieces can be combined in loads of different ways, allowing you to adorn your city with piles of scattered rubble, the broken husks of entire wrecked buildings, or lonely crumbling walls now used as barricades. What’s more, they make for some great basing detail for your Titans.

LITerrain Jul26 Ruins

Of course, to get ruins you first need buildings – and the ultra-modular Civitas Imperialis terrain is perfect for the job of creating a battlefield that has yet to be smashed by Titan-scale munitions.* These beautiful gothic domiciles (rereleased from Adeptus Titanicus) can be assembled however you wish, with thousands of different configurations, building anything from modest urban sprawl to cloud-breaking towers.

These come in two kits – structures and spires – so you can tailor the architecture to your exact tastes.

LITerrain Jul26 Admin

The modular nature of this terrain means your buildings can only get more impressive with each set you and your opponent bring to the battlefield, growing from sturdy hab-blocks to regal spires and buttresses.

When battles rage around more industrial locales, a box or two of the rereleased Manufactorum Imperialis terrain will add a wide assortment of pipes, storage tanks, machinery, and all sorts of hazardous extras to your table. The legendary Munitorum Armoured Container even makes an appearance, and loses none of its pizzazz in the miniaturisation process. 

LITerrain Jul26 Mech

The industrial terrain pieces within are just as modular as their civilian counterparts, allowing you to stack, divide, arrange, and combine structures in so many different ways you’d need a Tech-Priest to keep track. 

Between these kits, you’ll be making a whole cityscape over which to battle for the very fate of the galaxy itself. If you’re raring to get started on your megalopolis megaproject, look out for the return of the Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector – a big box that bundles four sets of Civitas Imperialis structures and one set of spires, so you can assemble the board of your dreams. Provided your dreams involve enormous armies storming through ruined city streets, of course.

We’ll have more information on when all this wonderful stuff will be released nearer the time, but keep checking back here for more dispatches from Legions Imperialis. It’s not far away – its just very small.

* As veterans of Adeptus Titanicus will know well.

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