In March every year, Ultramarines miniatures begin to pop up on your social feeds. We stopped Warhammer TV presenter Nick from painting blue armour for five minutes to get the lowdown on #MarchForMacragge.
Nick: A good many years ago now, long enough that the Ordo Chronos can’t give an accurate date, I was having a typical conversation with hobby maestro Eddie about calendar puns (T’au Sept-ember and JanuWAAAGHHry, for example), and “March For Macragge” came up. After a polite chuckle, I thought about it some more and posted some Ultramarines I’d been working on in March using it as a hashtag, and it’s all grown from there.

Hobbyists around the world now take it up as an annual challenge, painting Ultramarines and their successors throughout the month. It’s a sea of blue power armour out there for a few weeks and well, I’m here for it.
Search for #MarchForMacragge and you’ll find some awesome posts, from tanks and heroes to units and terrain. There’s artwork, action figures and cosplay too, all Ultramarine-themed. It’s everyone’s excuse to pick up a Space Marine and paint it blue, which everyone secretly wants to do.* It’s not a competition and there are no prizes, simply a celebration of all things Ultramarines-adjacent.
Of course, certain foul heretics and nefarious Xenos take the opportunity to #MarchOnMacragge, or worse still #MunchOnMacragge but it’s all part of the fun!

Here’s some of the fun people have got up to this March, including my latest unit, my Vanguard Veterans for my Crusade army. This is just a small selection – you really should check them out yourself or better yet, find that Space Marine model you’ve had for ages and slap some blue on it. You’ve still got time!
We’re going to host a special episode of Hang Out and Paint on Friday, 4th April at 6:00pm BST. We’ll focus on the coolest Ultra-hobby we’ve seen around the community throughout March. If you can get your models done in time, and posted with #MarchForMacragge, there’s a chance yours could be included in the show, so get painting!

Knowing how much I love to rant about the Sons of Macragge, I was flattered to be invited onto the inaugural episode of Armies of Renown, a new show on Warhammer TV, in which our host Ed invited me to get out my whole Ultramarines collection – which I’ve mustered over 15 years!

Make sure you’re subscribed to Warhammer+ to watch it all today, alongside a huge library of other awesome, exclusive Warhammer shows.
Courage and Honour, everyone!
Thanks, Nick! You still have plenty of time to post models on your social feeds with #MarchForMacragge. Fancy watching those Warhammer TV shows and animations? Subscribe to Warhammer+ to catch them all.
* Don’t try to deny it, heretics.