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Which Chaos God Does Be'lakor Really Serve?

BelakorLoremasters Nov17 Header

The worlds of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar are full of Daemon Princes, each transfigured by one of the four Chaos Gods.

BR7ReasonsBelakor Apr13 BelakorCover6627x

Before all of them, though, there was only Be’lakor. This week’s Loremasters is all about the life and times of this most shadowy and calculating fiend, who has, at different points, held the favour of all four Chaos Gods.

Not known for their ability to share anything, let alone humble servants, one question has been asked many times over the years – which of the four Chaos Gods does Be’lakor himself genuinely serve? We set out to answer that question.


BelakorLoremasters Nov17 Khorne

What’s the first thing you notice about Be’lakor? That’s right – a massive sword engulfed in prismatic shadows, and enormous wings covered in chains and the skulls of those he has killed over the years. Who else loves swords and skulls? 

Be’lakor’s prodigious muscles are another point – he’s so buff he can even cut a Land Raider in half. No matter his shadowy intentions, he finds himself on the battlefield often enough to please Khorne greatly.


BelakorLoremasters Nov17 Tzeentch

The only thing more powerful than a big sword is a being clever enough not to need it. Called the “The Dark Master” for his love of schemes within schemes, Be’lakor has had a shadowy hand in pretty much every event in the worlds of Warhammer.

He’s so meddlesome that Tzeentch has chained him up more than a handful of times. Each time the Lord of Torment has escaped. Just as planned.* 


BelakorLoremasters Nov17 Slaanesh

Everything Be’lakor does, he does it for his insatiable ego. Chopping off heads, whispering dark temptations, amassing great power, they’re all selfish pursuits.

Be’lakor abhors failure and seeks mastery over everything, so it’s no wonder he so often catches the eye of Slaanesh, who respects the pursuit of excellence. Plus, he’s a master of accessories – another mark in the good books of the God of Excess.


BelakorLoremasters Nov17 Nurgle

Where there is Chaos, there is Be’lakor. He is the grim certainty at the end of every scheme, the death and decay waiting in the wings, and exists in both the Mortal Realms and the grim future of the 41st Millennium.

Nurgle respects this kind of near-infinite longevity, and Be’lakor’s love of cycles – scheme, win, get put in a box by a Chaos god, break out, rinse, and repeat. 

None of Them

BelakorLoremasters Nov17 MixedDaemons

Ultimately, Be’lakor is too similar to all four gods to serve any of them, which is his biggest strength and weakness. They see themselves in him and vice versa, causing them to lash out in petulant rage at their perceived failings. 

Family, eh? It’s complicated, even if you’re an immortal Daemon Prince whose existence bookends reality as we know it.

BelakorLoremasters Nov17 LoremastersBelk

For a comprehensive take on the Dark Master, jump over to Warhammer TV and watch today’s episode of Loremasters.

While you’re at it, you can check out the Citadel Colour Masterclass, which shows you how to paint blue/silver armour – perfect for shadowy mortals who follow in Be’lakor’s footsteps, or valiant knights who try to put a stop to that sort of thing. There’s also another nail-biting episode of Angels of Death, and more additions to the Warhammer Vault.

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* We're not sure that either of them knows who planned it, so entangled are their schemes.

** For more information check out the original article and the terms and conditions.

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