The second episode of the new season of Blacktalon has just dropped. You can either check out the trailer for the new episode below, or just cut right to the whole thing on Warhammer TV now.
Warning: the rest of this article contains mild spoilers for the season.
Make sure you’re up to date on the series before continuing.
While the heroes of Blacktalon are of course Neave and her band of hunters, this season of Blacktalon has also given us a chance to spend some time in the great city of Hammerhal Aqsha, and glimpse the lives of the mortals who inhabit the warmer half of the Twin-Tailed City.
This is pretty cool for fans of the Mortal Realms, as it’s something that is only hinted at in our Battletomes, while our miniatures (for very sensible reasons) all tend to be soldiers as opposed to civilians.

Animation concepts: Some of the mortal human inhabitants of Hammerhal Aqsha (and their hats)
Hammerhal is a bustling metropolis where countless thousands are packed behind the protection offered by its formidable walls. And it’s hard to blame them – while life in Hammerhal is no celestial picnic, life outside the walls is almost always both worse and shorter.

Life for mortals outside Hammerhal is tough
While such a concentration of population is certainly useful when recruiting for the numerous Dawnbringer Crusades, for example, it's not without its challenges. Key among them is providing water, food and shelter for the unwashed masses of humanity (along with the occasional duardin, aelf and ogor).

Of all the various immortal warriors of the Mortal Realms, Blacktalon Rostus Oxenhammer is one of the more pleasant to meet as a mortal
Following the reveal at the end of the last episode that it was not one figure but a whole cult of shadowy agents whom the Blacktalons pursue through Hammerhal, every ostensibly loyal citizen is now eyed with suspicion as a potential agent of ruin. The task of identifying these agents is made all the harder as common garb in the city includes hoods, hats and long robes, to protect against the ash-rain that is a daily fact of life.

Freeguild Guards screen those citizens seeking access to key sites across Hammerhal
The Freeguild Guards of Hammerhal, already stretched thin by the unending demands of a city on a constant war-footing, now have a new challenge, as every citizen accessing sites of importance must be checked for the Mark of Ruin. No small feat even for what is the largest military, trading and industrial centre of Sigmar’s domains.

Animation concepts: Hooded agents, each bearing a Mark of Ruin
Will the Blacktalons be able to root out this insidious cult, or will the shadowy figures be able to enact whatever dark purpose they have been tasked with?
You can watch the new episode on Warhammer TV now with a Warhammer+ subscription, along with all previous episodes of Blacktalon.
The third installment of the new season arrives in a couple of weeks.