What is it about a massive, fleet-destroying gun that causes the Imperium’s adversaries to pour out of the woodwork? This week, the Khorne-worshipping Goremongers step up as the next Kill Team attempting to silence the Great Gun of Volkus, but they’re running straight into a delegation of fevered fanatics armed with chainsaws, fire and blind faith.

Kill Team: Blood and Zeal

The Massif Ballistus is preparing to fire, but as masses gather to perform the proper rituals in the sprawling foundry district of Cascabael, the Goremongers of Khorne slaughter their way through the crowds in an effort to sabotage the shot. Only the Sanctifiers stand in their way.
Kill Team: Blood and Zeal contains two completely new kill teams. The Sanctifiers are nine Imperial zealots, including the likes of the Conflagrator, the Death Cult Assassin, the Drill Abbot and the Miraculist, who have been stoked into action by the rabid oration of the Confessor (a priestly figure attended by a Cherub). The Goremongers are a cohort of seven cybernetically enhanced operatives like the Impaler, the Skullclaimer and the Stalker who follow the commands of the towering Goremonger Blood Herald.

The box also includes a Shrine statue for your forces to genuflect before – or desecrate, as appropriate, as well as a 56-page Blood and Zeal dossier containing background lore for the conflict, rules for the kill teams and new missions. There are also tokens and datacards for both kill teams, and a deck of cards for the new missions.
Kill Team: Ratlings and Datacards

Keen-eyed marksmen with bottomless appetites and a knack for scurrying, Ratlings are abhumans deployed across the galaxy by the Astra Militarum both in games of Kill Team and Warhammer 40,000. This set contains 10 Ratlings who can be built either as regular troopers or specialists like the Big Shot, Hardbit, Raider, Slashmaster and Vox-thief, as well as a Battlemutt and three tokens (two tripwires and an ammo cache). You also get a set of unique tokens for use in games of Kill Team, and there’s a deck of 38 Datacards sold separately comprising faction rules and equipment, unique ploys, operative profiles and other helpful information.
Kill Team: Wrecka Krew and Datacards

When Ork Tankbustas and Breaka Boyz get together, they form a Wrecka Krew – as much a cooperative exercise as it is a competition to see who can destroy the most stuff. This set contains six Wrecka Crew miniatures which can be used in games of Kill Team or Warhammer 40,000, and who can be built as various specialists, including a Boss Nob, a Demolisha, a Krusha or a Rokkiteer, alongside two unlucky Bomb Squigs. The box includes a set of unique tokens for use in games of Kill Team and a transfer sheet comprising 438 decals, A separate set of 33 Datacards contains your faction rules and equipment, unique ploys, operative profiles and other helpful information.
Killzone Upgrade: Compound Siege

Hive Fissilicus is littered with claustrophobic defensive warrens – the perfect ambush points for those who aim to interrupt the firing ritual or perhaps damage the Great Gun itself. Killzone Upgrade: Compound Siege contains 14 plastic terrain pieces: two Bunkers, six Fire Steps, and six Stockades which are designed to be used with Killzone Volkus. Rules for using the terrain and its associated mission pack will be available to download from Warhammer Community shortly after release.

Neave Blacktalon and her allies face further revelations and challenges in the teeming city of Hammerhal as they try to unravel the plans of Chaos in episode two of Blacktalons on Warhammer TV this week.

Ultimate Paint-Off also arrives this week, a new show in which four challengers must complete a painting project – with a twist. This week the focus is on big monsters with drybrushes as the tool of choice. On How We Roll, Nick interviews Robin from the Warhammer Design Studio on the design decisions behind the rules for the Emperor’s Children, while Loremasters brushes up on the Black Crusades – Abaddon the Despoiler's infamous invasions of realspace.

On Warhammer Community, you can look forward to reveals for Necromunda, Legions Imperialis and the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game, alongside articles on the new Kill Teams and the mission pack.
And finally, for all you Age of Sigmar players waiting patiently for the new Battlescroll, it’s coming. It’ll arrive soon after AdeptiCon.