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Black Library Celebration 2023 – Armies Step From the Page to the Painting Handle

Black Library stories aren’t just thrilling yarns – for many they are great sources of inspiration. We asked the Community to share their creations which have been inspired by Warhammer fiction. 

Cado Ezechiar by @FortyKW


We’re kicking things off with a moody take on the vampire Cado Ezechiar. With a long revenge filled journey laid out in front of him, he looks like he’s been through a lot.

Maleneth Witchblade by @Oscarlars


Gotrek’s pal Maleneth is a noble-born aelven assassin with loose morals, and this down-right delightful diorama straight from the pages of Gitslayer captures her in action aboard the deck of the Angaz-Kár.

Hamilcar Bear-Eater by @RealIronHand


Few heroes in the Mortal Realms are quite so mighty as Hamilcar Bear-Eater, at least according to Mr Bear-Eater himself. We can confidently say that this conversion does this tremendous figure justice.

Gaunt’s Ghosts by @ICantThinkEm


Ibram Gaunt and the Tanith First and Only are a ragtag bunch of heroes who have starred in 17 novels, and this loving rendition captures key details like their tattoos and camo cloaks.

Cado Ezechiar and Kjarg Iron-Oath by @HobbyXav

Another gloomy take on the equally moody Cado here, joined by Kjarg Iron-Oath leaping straight from the cover of The Wolftime, the third Dawn of Fire book.

The Iron Snakes by @TheBlackWolf83


Sometimes people aren't inspired by a specific character but a Chapter or faction from a Black Library book. The Iron Snakes are well-known from the Sabbat Worlds crusade and starred in the recent Urdesh duology.

Uriel Ventris by @GeekNates


This beautiful Uriel Ventris is ready to bring the fight to the enemies of the Imperium on the next Indomitus Crusade.

Iskandar Khayon by @_syph0n


There aren’t many good guys in Warhammer 40,000, but there are definitely a lot of bad guys, such as Iskandar Khayon. One of Abaddon’s closest allies, lovingly painted with his allies here, you can find out more about him in The Talon of Horus.

Shield-Captain Valerian and Ezekyle Abaddon by @SpensPainting

Two towering heroes from different timeframes, Valerian hails from the Watchers of the Throne series. Everyone knows Abaddon, who is given a new lease of life here in his Horus Heresy guise thanks to superb conversion.

Drekki Flynt and the Aesling by the Warhammer TV Painting Team


Even our very own Warhammer TV crew wanted to get involved with the Black Library Celebration, with Adam painting up Drekki Flynt, while Nick converted and painted his crew and the Aesling itself!

You can pre-order the storied hero Captain Messinius and a whole heap of new Black Library tales for inspiration from tomorrow. Share your own versions of your favourite characters with us on the Warhammer Twitter or Facebook pages.

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