Jim: Welcome, sports fans! I’m Jim Johnson, and my colleague here is Bob Bifford, and we’re here to talk to you eager coaches about how to run your very own Blood Bowl league.

Bob: That’s right, Jim! Leagues are a great way to play the beautiful, bone-crunching game. They let you play loads of matches and prove that you’re the best coach around.
Jim: Well, not everyone can be the best coach, but a league is fun whether you’re riding high at the top of the table or just relaxing near the bottom.

Bob: Yeah, regardless of whether you win or not, you’ll see your players improve over your games, gaining skills as they play – until they take one block too many and end up under the pitch instead of on it.
Jim: You’ve hit on something there, Bob–
Bob: Hitting is what I’m good at.
Jim: Yes… The point is that leagues are all about developing your players. As you play, they’ll be awarded Star Player Points for their actions on the field, like making passes, scoring touchdowns…
Bob: And hitting things.

Jim: Those points will let them gain Skills and improve their characteristics, so your team will grow and evolve and reflect the way you like to coach them.
Bob: Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts, Jim? What do coaches need to run a league?
Jim: According to the Official Rules, all you need is four or more teams and a can-do attitude!
Bob: Can do what? Hit things?
Jim: Play games! Each team in a league – or a league division, if you have lots of teams and want to split them into divisions – plays each other team twice. When and where is up to the teams’ coaches.
Bob: Teams gain league points for winning and drawing games, and more for scoring lots of touchdowns or – I love this part – causing lots of casualties.
Jim: At the end of the season, when each team has played every other team twice, the teams with the highest league points will go through to the playoffs.
Bob: That’s semi-finals and a final, right?
Jim: And quarter-finals if there are enough teams.

Bob: And are there prizes?
Jim: There are! The top teams get lots of lovely shiny gold to bolster their treasury, and the winners get a shiny trophy.
Bob: That gold’ll come in handy as teams prepare for the next league season, won’t it?
Jim: That’s right! After the season ends, coaches can raise money to re-draft their teams for the next season.

Bob: Some of those experienced players won’t come cheap, will they?
Jim: You’d know, Bob! I hear your fees got ridiculous, and that’s why you ended up here with me.
Bob: I’m not legally allowed to talk about that, Jim. Moving on, once the teams have been re-drafted, it’s time to get playing and do the whole thing over again!
Jim: And that’s everything you need to know about playing Blood Bowl leagues. You’ll find the full guidelines in Blood Bowl: The Official Rules, which is available to pre-order now, and is also in the new Second Season Edition boxed game.
Bob: Thanks for joining us. I’ve been Bob Bifford.
Jim: And I, thankfully, haven’t.
Bob: Unnecessary, Jim. Ogres have feelings too.